View Full Version : Detail Level WON'T CHANGE!

2005-08-19, 12:24 PM
Has anyone seen this one before? I made an RCP view. Placed a Callout. Opened the callout view and tried to change the detail level from coarse to medium. The view didn't change. Tried placing the callout view on a sheet and changing it there. Still didn't change.

Tried deleting all views and starting again. No luck.

Any thoughts?

Matt Brennan
2005-08-19, 03:03 PM
Can you post the file?

2005-08-19, 03:30 PM
Way too big. 15 mb (even when I clean up and purge). I'm sending it to support as well. I'll keep you posted.

2005-08-19, 03:35 PM
1.05 mb!!!

Here it is.

Matt Brennan
2005-08-19, 04:25 PM
Hey Brad

Check your phases......

I got it to work by changing your phases to new construction.

2005-08-20, 04:39 AM
Thanks Matt!

Funny... why would the phase change to Project Completion from New Construction? I made a new RCP view of the 2nd floor and it didn't do that. I didn't even think to scroll down to look at that?!?! Any comment from the Factory?

Matt, thanks again!


Matt Brennan
2005-08-20, 06:19 AM
No worries Brad. Glad that I could help out...