View Full Version : Psycho reference planes?

Les Therrien
2004-02-06, 01:40 PM
I just had a weird happening! For no apparent reason, when I went from my foundation plan to my exterior 3D view or elevations the height of my reference planes start from hundreds of feet above and below the building? I didn't change any view range settings or anything!
When I'd zoom extends, there were lots of tall refernce planes and a little black dot where my building was. My first thought was that something misplaced itself way out of wack (no)
I of course had grap the ends of every plane and drag them back to the building.

Has anyone ever had this happen? :shock:

Les Therrien
2004-02-06, 01:46 PM
Now all my crop regions except for in plan view are all 10 miles high and have to be adjusted! :banghead:

2004-02-06, 01:53 PM
Not due to a .dwg import ?

Les Therrien
2004-02-06, 01:58 PM
No. I haven't imported anything yet.

Nothing out of ordinary.
Not even a crazy family.

This is a real pain. After I adjust each crop region that has a height element, I must save the file immediately or it goes back to 10 miles high!? :evil:

Les Therrien
2004-02-06, 02:08 PM
Hey I measure how tall my crop region had become.

It was 18 974.43 ft tall !

I didn't know I was designing Mount Everest

Les Therrien
2004-02-06, 02:14 PM
This seems to be happening when I turn the crop region off. If I leave it on but not visible, then it's OK.

2004-02-06, 04:00 PM
We have seen similar problems with the reference planes but not to that great extent. What we ave come to realize is that RP's are infinate in both directions even if you only draw a 3' long RP. Create a new view and that plan may become 300' long and screw up your extents. It was a serious problem with sections and detail callouts trying to get them on the sheet. We have approached this problem from 2 directions.

1. Users are instructed to use as few reference planes as possible. We do not cosider them construction lines. (any more). Revit has more than adequate tools fro acurate drawing without resorting to costruction lines. We do use them for Work planes and to Fake out dimensions that will not connect to objects for reasons.

2. Users are insructed to erase refrence planes that are not necessary for dimensioning purposes. (We use them to "Fake" dimensions)

3. Try to embed reference planes in families or sketches. That will render them invisible to the main model.

4. When creating a new view right click and "Hide Annotation in View" to all reference planes that are causing problems. (Or drag them down to a usable size.

We have now found that employing methods 1 and 2 we don't have to get to 3 very often. We like that since 3 is labor intensive. We still have a few older drawings that are more green than black.

Hope this helps with your current problem and future use of reference planes.


2004-02-06, 04:12 PM
Don't shy away from Ref Planes! Try using Scope Boxes which will limit the extents of your Reference Planes (and/or grids and levels) to a certain area. Create a scope box (3D box), adjust its extents, and then assign references to the box. See Help on Scope Boxes for more information.

2004-02-06, 06:26 PM
Did you change the elevations of your levels, i.e. went from a 0' 0" Level One to 974.43'?

If there is no object within the project way out of bounds, try deleting then recreating the offending view.

2004-02-06, 06:42 PM
I've almost completely stopped using ref. planes due to strange behavior like this and very little need to see the ref plane in every view all the time, I will typ. just draw a temp detail line, then delete when done.

I do still use ref. planes for structural elements on angles and top of wall attachments, etc.

Les Therrien
2004-03-15, 04:01 PM
It's not the reference planes!!!

I've just had the same problem happen again and was determined to find out what caused it. I back tracked through the history of the file one step at a time only to find it was a furnace component! I am not sure if it is the furnace that came with Revit or one that I've downloaded elsewhere. When I have time I will go into the component to see what caused it!
Simply deleting it did not solve the problem. You would have to undo to a point where it was loaded in!
Some of you have had the same weird behaviour, so I thought you might want to know.
