View Full Version : Drafting View, Detail View, Floor Plan, Sections

Chirag Mistry
2005-08-20, 04:26 PM
All these views for some reason are very confusing to me. Right now I have been given this project, where in plans some callouts are as detail views and some as floor plans. Which are to be used and when...

I am also having trouble referencing previous created views. I have made duplicate callout tags for SIM, OPH and TYP. Some seem to work and some dont..have no idea...also when I create a new section mark, then in the reference other view I have detail view, drafting view and section.

For a callout tag, I have drafting, floor and RCP (no detail view). I really seem lost. I would really appreciate if someone can explain this...as to what to use floor plan vs detail or drafting and the best way to have tags refer other views having sim, oph and typ...


2005-08-20, 11:55 PM
I am also having trouble referencing previous created views. I have made duplicate callout tags for SIM, OPH and TYP. Some seem to work and some dont..have no idea...also when I create a new section mark, then in the reference other view I have detail view, drafting view and section.

I had this mastered in version 6.5 but from 70 forward I'm lost on how to assign this value.
Can anyone explain this, or put together a tutorial???


2005-08-21, 03:26 AM
PART 1....
please forgive me in advance if I am being way too basic for your question

All these views for some reason are very confusing to me. Right now I have been given this project, where in plans some callouts are as detail views and some as floor plans. Which are to be used and when...

This part of the question of callouts has three more questions...
1 A) Where do you want the view to be created in the project hierarchy
1 B) Where is the view going in the construction doc set
2 What do you want the callout to look like?

in a large building we will have a blow up of the stairs, the lobby, the restrooms.
these are large scale plans.
as such there is no "large scale plans" category in the project browser hierarchy in a default template and the Plan type callout cannot be duplicated in 8.0. - but these are plans none the less. I put LS in the name some where so I can immediately identify these and they fall together in the list of names. - so the callout TYPE is a plan callout.

Now...if I am doing a door jamb, or a column wrap or some other kind of detail, then the TYPE is a detail callout.

While in the default template, the symbol for these is the same, but theoretically they could be different.

Now again in plan,
If you are detailing the edge of a roof, (gutter facia etc, and use the section tool, you again have the choice, is this a wall section, building section, or detail?
at this point however, not only will the result be placed in its own category in the project navigator, but each of these will have a separate symbol.
Duplicating the types, (as I assumed you did with TYP and SIM) will give you new groups in the project browser.
this can be both a boon and a bane.
boon because all of a sudden I can do things like make a detail callout type called Large Scale Plans - and use it instead of the plan to group my large scale plans in a separate group in the project browser
bane because I now have details all over the place that I have to keep track of...

OK for part 1?

2005-08-21, 03:57 AM
Part 2

I am also having trouble referencing previous created views. I have made duplicate callout tags for SIM, OPH and TYP. Some seem to work and some dont..have no idea...

if you could explain what works and what does not work?

also when I create a new section mark, then in the reference other view I have detail view, drafting view and section.

I assume you mean in the options bar, in the reference view drop down?
While you see the divisions in the project browser by callout type, in the drop down you do not. You can point the section you are creating to hyper link to any existing non-current detail view, drafting view or section
drafting views are just like blank sheets of paper you can draw on or import an ACAD linework detail onto.
so basically if you are doing several callouts on the parapet roof, the original uses the section tool: detail callout type not referenced. this create a view we will call "Parapet Detail"
Now for the second, third etc instance in plan view, you will use the section tool: Detail SIM type callout
now you switch to a building or wall section. that same detail needs to use the callout tool
so you have duplicated the type and made a callout type "detailCalloutSim" that you can use to bubble the parapet condition.
no view will be created because you will reference the view "parapet detail"

again, too simple?...

2005-08-21, 04:11 AM
Part 3

For a callout tag, I have drafting, floor and RCP (no detail view).

Callouts in particular

Do you mean types, or ability to reference these?
for types:
If you are refering to types available when you pick the tool, this will depend on the view type that is current when you pick the tool.
if a floor plan is current then you get the floor plan callouts and detail views
if a ceiling plan is current then you get ceiling plan only (as usually any Plan type condition you would detail here would be called out in the floor plan, and any detail would be a section through the plan view(?))
if a section is current you get by default building section, wall section or detail types.
while the callout graphics is the same for all of these (as default, you can create new types that look differet - see part 4), where they end up in the project browser is different.

As far as what the callout is referencing...This is a bit odd...Intuitively you would expect any detail created with a callout to be able to be referenced by a callout, but this is not always the case.
In plan view, you get to reference only other floor plan callouts or drafting views - no detail views. I do not know if this is intended or a bug. It looks intentional to me. Once you know this, if you have a column detail that you will be doing the SIM thing on, this forces you to either use the Floor Plan type (unfortunate because it puts details in an odd place in the project browser) or use a drafting view...
if a ceiling plan is current then you get ceiling plan only (as usually any Plan type condition you would detail here would be called out in the floor plan, and any detail would be a section through the plan view(?))
if a section is current you can reference building sections, wall sections or detail types along with drafting views.

I would really appreciate if someone can explain this...

Now that I have written all this
they say part of it is a bug
there is more that also looks like a bug that might explain your post originally

if you duplicate a type, (say to create a new callout type "DETAIL-TYP" you cannot in 8.0 (or the version I am working on) use this callout in the project, or change an existing callout to this type.

could someone else check this for me?

in a section view
add a detail callout
add a second that references the first
hit the properties of the second, edit type props, duplicate and rename to DETAIL-TYP
change the referenced parameter to TYP.
when I click the callout tool, set type to DETAIL-TYP, reference callout 1 place the callout it always goes back to the default Detail type.
I cannot select the callout and change it to Detail-TYP
I think this has been around for a while, I think I saw it in one of the 6 versions

Jake, tutorial started, right now it's getting eaten up by bugs...
If you knew them in 6.5, then you probably know them now, it is just that they moved bunch of stuff into Settings>View Tags>Section Tags, elevation tags, callout tags etc.

2005-08-21, 04:39 PM
could someone else check this for me?

in a section view
add a detail callout
add a second that references the first
hit the properties of the second, edit type props, duplicate and rename to DETAIL-TYP
change the referenced parameter to TYP.
when I click the callout tool, set type to DETAIL-TYP, reference callout 1 place the callout it always goes back to the default Detail type.
I cannot select the callout and change it to Detail-TYP
I think this has been around for a while, I think I saw it in one of the 6 versions

David, Still broken in 8.1

Jake, tutorial started, right now it's getting eaten up by bugs...
If you knew them in 6.5, then you probably know them now, it is just that they moved bunch of stuff into Settings>View Tags>Section Tags, elevation tags, callout tags etc.
Yes, Thats where I would change the appearance of callout / section / elevation tags. I can't control the reference labels like I could in 6.5. See attached that was just tested in 8.1

One problem is that I may have a drafting view that has a detail that is used in many projects and is typical. I may place a detail marker showing that this is the detail. I don't want it to display a reference label. In another location I may want it to read Sim, or Typ. or etc... It may change multiple times for the same detail depending on the condition. This used to be possible. Maybe it is a bug or ...?

Thanks for the help.

2005-08-21, 09:54 PM
The issue is that the view determines the callout style and there can be only one style per view.

This should be reconsidered by the developers and reverted to the way it used to be.

2005-08-24, 11:33 PM
SO, Chirag Mistry
does any/all of that answer any/all your questions?

Bruce put it like this...

The issue is that the view determines the callout style and there can be only one style per view.

While not untrue, I would expand it like this...(lest I give the mistaken impression that I am not verbose)

At least for callouts on sections which still behave a bit differently that callouts in plan

Rather than say there can be only one style(callout type) per view, I would say there can be several callout types in the same view. However. if you want to use the reference, a callout type can only reference views created by the same callout type.

what is confusing is
say you are running detail bubbles all over your building sections.
You are using whatever callout type happens to be around, so these are the views you are creating. - and they appear in different locations in the project browser. some are under Detail Views (detailSIM). Others under Detail Views (detailTYP) when you go to add now some references is the first time you really think...is this a SIM, TYP or OPH?
but by this time it is too late. because as noted by Bruce
there can be only one style(or type) per view [type].

It would be lovely if there was a workaround as simple as putting a label in the callout head and associating it with an instance parameter, but you cannot do this with a callout head

I tried putting in an annotation symbol, setting reference label to a linked parameter in the callout head familiy, but the instance parameters of a callout are hardcoded, and the callout head is a nested family (kind of) you don't get access to those parameters

2005-08-25, 02:35 PM
The issue is that the view determines the callout style and there can be only one style per view.

This should be reconsidered by the developers and reverted to the way it used to be.
Hey there,
I agree!

2005-08-25, 02:47 PM

This is a feature that I've had to "shut off" because of complaints.

2006-03-06, 09:07 PM
when I click the callout tool, set type to DETAIL-TYP, reference callout 1 place the callout it always goes back to the default Detail type.
I cannot select the callout and change it to Detail-TYP
I think this has been around for a while, I think I saw it in one of the 6 versions

Workaround: You must change the view type through the properties dialog box - and not with the type selector.

Select the view name in the project browser, click the properties button then change it's type in this dialog. click OK.

If you follow this procedure your change should stick.