View Full Version : Room Tag Text Wrapping and Schedules

2005-08-21, 01:57 AM
Is there a way to manually wrap text in a room tag for very small areas (Example: ELEC ROOM on two lines) yet have the text not wrap in the schedule? Ctrl+Enter wraps the text manually but then it's also wrapped in the schedule.

Here's hoping this is quick and simple and I am missing the obvious as a newer user.

We have not modified the family to force the wrapping for short text lines as this is more an aberration than the norm. We do not necessarily want like MGR OFFICE (for example)to wrap because we changed the family, My work-around was to create a second tag with a smaller wrap boundary but this seems like too much "stuff" to manage and I could end up with 3-4 different tags.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


2005-08-22, 04:30 PM
We use a room tag that has two different lables, both are room name, one is narrow which we use for narrow rooms and one is longer to allow for long room names in big rooms. Use the visiblity settings to turn one off and leave one on.

2005-08-22, 06:44 PM
Here it is just in case you did not want to rebuild it.

This is our Metric Room Tag for DD and CD level projects.