View Full Version : Empty value of parameter

2005-08-22, 05:02 PM
Initial values of parameters in Revit are empty and look blank in schedule even for numeric parameters (it must be =0, as far as I understand). And when I use formula =IF(Coeffic=0;1;Coeffic) I don't have a result when Coeffic field is empty. I have to replace Coeffic value for items.
So my question is:
Is it possible to check empty field value with calculated field formula?

Thank you.

2005-08-23, 08:55 AM
Initial values of parameters in Revit are empty and look blank in schedule even for numeric parameters (it must be =0, as far as I understand). And when I use formula =IF(Coeffic=0;1;Coeffic) I don't have a result when Coeffic field is empty. I have to replace Coeffic value for items.
So my question is:
Is it possible to check empty field value with calculated field formula?

Thank you.
The answer is probably no...but have you tried IF (NOT(Coeffic>0),1,Coeffic)

I don't have time to try right now, but if I try before you do, I will post again...


2005-08-23, 11:27 AM
I'm not sure of what you are specifically trying to schedule, but would a 1,2,3 do as well as a nul, 0, 1?

2005-08-23, 01:37 PM
I tried it and it didn't work....

This is what the revit help file says about using the boolean operation "NOT"

"You can also use Boolean operators with a conditional statement: AND, OR, NOT. Currently, <= and >= are not implemented. To express such a comparison, you can use a logical NOT. For example, a<=b can be entered as NOT(a>b). "

I tried a few ways and can't get it to work....is factory around to shed light on the use of "NOT" in a conditional formula?


2005-08-23, 01:38 PM
I'm not sure of what you are specifically trying to schedule, but would a 1,2,3 do as well as a nul, 0, 1?Usually, until you first enter a data into the cell, it doesn't exist (neither 0, nor number) it is null.

I think....

2005-08-23, 01:57 PM
Sorry, I had to make my question more clear. Now I place an example schedule, where is a Ceiling Angle Coeff which user have to put for sloped ceiling. But the most usual situation is flat ceiling and user doesn't care about that Coefficient. So I need to check the value. Surely it can't be equal 0. But how to check the empty value?