View Full Version : Consultant Drawings in Index

2005-08-22, 06:30 PM
Is there a cleaner way to do this?

Currently we are creating a blank drawing sheet for each consultant drawing so that they will show up on our index correctly. Is there a way to do this without cluttering up the Project Browser.

We are also doing something similar with the details since we have limited manpower trained in Revit when we need assistance details are done in the old cad system. So to populate the detail marks we create dummy views and dummy sheets just to get the appropriate numbers to show up in the detail marks.

I realize that the best thing to do would be to have all the details in the Revit file but until we get more people trained on Revit this is what we have to deal with, is there a way to simplify this that I am unaware of?

2005-08-22, 06:55 PM
One method:

Add a project parameter to your sheets, called, i.e. "sheet type". Then have a separate value for each sheet type, i.e. Revit Sheet, Consultant Sheet, Non-Revit Detail Sheet.

You can then set up different browser organization schemes (under settings) to filter & show the sheets you want.

Matt Brennan
2005-08-22, 07:01 PM
Hi James

About cluttering the project browser, you could look into using the “browser organization tool” found under the settings drop down menu. This tool allows you to filter out your project browser by issue dates, views on sheets, phases, and so on. This may be the right solution you are looking for.

For the cad & detail question, we have a number of our clients who still like to do their details in AutoCAD. I agree with you that they should be doing in Revit but if it doesn’t suite your organization at the current moment, then maybe ACAD is the way to go for now.

I hope this is the answer you were looking for. Let me know if this solution works for you.

Take care,

Matt Brennan
2005-08-22, 07:02 PM
ahh beat me to it Andrew!!! But I agree.