View Full Version : PDF Question - Access denied when printed from Revit demo

2005-08-23, 12:34 AM
I installed Revit as a demo copy on my server so I could use the demo copy to print without tying up my machine. Works great except that, when I print to .pdf, the .pdf files give me an error of Access Denied when I attempt to open them from my workstation. They open on the server just fine.

I suspect this may be a Windows thing (XP Pro SP2 on the server, XP Home SP2 on the workstation), but maybe not. Anybody have any suggestions? Because I am a small operation, security is not set up to be super tight. I'm snowed right now.

Scott D Davis
2005-08-23, 01:08 AM
It's very limited, as you can't make any changes in Demo mode and still print. I think changing views in the browser is about it. Don't pan, zoom, activate a view, etc.

IMO, it's too confining...we should be able to do more without changing the model or annotations, and still be able to print.

2005-08-23, 11:36 PM
Printing works just fine - it is the end product, the .pdf, that is the problem. It opens in Reader fine on the Server (the machine that created it), but Reader gives me an "Access Denied" error when I go to my workstation to open the same file.

If I open the .pdf on the Server, then save a copy as a new name, then open the copy on my workstation, no problem. Its just a pain to open each .pdf and save as. Hmmm....

Tom Dorner
2005-08-24, 12:54 AM
Sounds like a Windows security setting issue to me.

Be sure that your folder on the server cointaining the PDF's is set to give your login ID on the network full permission for the folder or that your security group settings in Active Directory are allowing the client to get there.

A simple quick test is on the client simply try getting to the folder via Windows Explorer and seeing what happens. You may find access is denied to even get to the folder in which case it would explain why Acrobat can't open the file.

