View Full Version : Error plotting DWF's via Publish command

2005-08-23, 06:29 PM
hello, how come when i publish, it gives me an error it just will not do it. i hit publish and it seems like it is going to publish but nothing happens. any thing im doing incorrectly?

2005-08-23, 06:51 PM
hello, how come when i publish, it gives me an error it just will not do it. i hit publish and it seems like it is going to publish but nothing happens. any thing im doing incorrectly?
can you give us a screenshot of your settings?

so you aren't getting any errors with this action?
is it possible the dwf goes to an unexpected folder, so it actually publishes, but, you aren't finding the file where you expect to?

:mrgreen: any other information on settings, paths, etc, might help...

2005-08-23, 06:53 PM
never mind, i found the error, all i did was copied the dwf...pc3 files(from another oc) and put them on this one and it comes out ok.


2005-08-23, 06:59 PM
never mind, i found the error, all i did was copied the dwf...pc3 files(from another oc) and put them on this one and it comes out ok.

Glad everything worked out for you! :)