View Full Version : the Web Download is LIVE!

2005-08-23, 07:55 PM
Hi all,

With a delay that hopefully you will forgive us for, we just opened the web download for Revit Building 8.1 and Autodesk Revit Series 8.1 on our Web site.

Please do read the red marked explanation for the download before you download the build.




2005-08-23, 07:57 PM

Thanks Tanja!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Scott D Davis
2005-08-23, 08:30 PM
Note: When you get to the download page, it seems 8.1 is not avaialble. Click the "Download Revit Building and Additional Tools" link, and this will take you to the 8.1 download page.

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Wes Macaulay
2005-08-23, 08:33 PM
And about the red print on the download site: those of you outside the Americas might be wondering why 8.1 seems to be out of reach.

This point release is an alignment release with Revit Structure 2. Revit Structure 2 from what I can gather is not being released outside the Americas (was the original release of RS released outisde the Americas? I can't remember). If this fact is at all frustrating to you, just be thankful for something else; such as 'You don't have to listen to country music.'

Those of you who need 8.1 for some reason should contact your reseller to see how 8.1 might be offered in your area.

Wes Macaulay
2005-08-23, 08:34 PM
I believe the direct and official link for the latest build of Revit is always at:

Chirag Mistry
2005-08-23, 08:45 PM
Great Tanja...

There is one thing still missing REVIT PDF writer...I wonder when we can get this for version 8 and 8.1 ?


Chad Smith
2005-08-23, 09:20 PM
Please do read the red marked explanation for the download before you download the build.Does that mean that we will not be getting this release, or just not yet?

If this fact is at all frustrating to you, just be thankful for something else; such as 'You don't have to listen to country music.'Unfortunately, we get country music too, and it's just as painful. :banghead:

2005-08-23, 09:48 PM
Great Tanja...

There is one thing still missing REVIT PDF writer...I wonder when we can get this for version 8 and 8.1 ?

Revit PDF Writer is dead.

The old 4.2 writer can still be found @ http://revit.autodesk.com/7.0/common/download.asp?en-us

It may not work with future versions of Revit.

Scott D Davis
2005-08-23, 10:05 PM
Does that mean that we will not be getting this release, or just not yet?
Please contact your reseller for information regarding this.

Wes Macaulay
2005-08-23, 10:08 PM
Great Tanja...

There is one thing still missing REVIT PDF writer...I wonder when we can get this for version 8 and 8.1 ?

ThanksDownload and use the Revit PDF Writer here:

It will work with later versions of Revit too.

2005-08-23, 10:51 PM
Download and use the Revit PDF Writer here:

It will work with later versions of Revit too.

Banjo NOT included. ;) I actually prefer to just use straight Acrobat PDF writer, I have been having problems with pinebush locking up Revit 8.0.

2005-08-24, 06:21 AM
It would be great to keep the 8.0 downloads on the english download web page.
In case we (the second class Revit users outside the US) need to update our existing R8.0 builds (EN), the download web is missing the links to do so. And not all users can twiddle with the URLs.
The 8.1 functionality is far more than just an 'aligment release'. There are bug fixes, globalization fixes and new/enhanced functions.

Vladimir Michl

Chad Smith
2005-08-24, 06:28 AM
The 8.1 functionality is far more than just an 'aligment release'. There are bug fixes, globalization fixes and new/enhanced functions.
Absolutely. This release has some tidy new features that I would like to put to use.
Like everyone else outside of the US, I pay my subscription fees too and would like access to this release. Otherwise a rebate on my subscription fee for next year would be appreciated.

2005-08-24, 07:20 AM
Absolutely. This release has some tidy new features that I would like to put to use.
Like everyone else outside of the US, I pay my subscription fees too and would like access to this release. Otherwise a rebate on my subscription fee for next year would be appreciated. I second that Chad; maybe we should pay “second class revit user, reduced subscription”

Martin P
2005-08-24, 07:53 AM
Hi all,

With a delay that hopefully you will forgive us for, we just opened the web download for Revit Building 8.1 and Autodesk Revit Series 8.1 on our Web site.

Can forgive that, but not really the bit in red ;)
Am sure it will all be fine soon, but it doenst leave the rest of us with very good feeling... I am sure its just a case of logistics, I know as I have in the past waited several weeks to simply be emailed a serial number!! Doesnt really leave the feeling that we are 100% working with the right software to be honest..... give us a reason for this please?? I dont want to start to doubt that Revit is the way forward for us -

We are ALL your loyal, paying, customers
(in order of possibilty to change)

Nic M.
2005-08-24, 07:57 AM
My reseller contacted Adesk a week ago and was told "there was a problem with the registration of 8.1 in the non US countries. This would be solved in a couple of days."

If I understand the message in red on the website there never will be a 8.1 release for us second class users?
As a one man band I just paid my overpriced subscription (€ 700) for something I'm never gonna get.
I hope for all you happy few across the deep blue its worth it and have fun with it.

I'm most disappointed in the communication of Adesk. You would assume a company like that has well paid communication managers that iron/ explain these little bumps, right? Well in reality my son's soccer team has better communication. Resellers know **** and here everyone that could explain something keep there lips tight together.
Very, Very disappointed

Shaun v Rooyen
2005-08-24, 09:18 AM
I'm most disappointed in the communication of Adesk. You would assume a company like that has well paid communication managers that iron/ explain these little bumps, right? Well in reality my son's soccer team has better communication. Resellers know **** and here everyone that could explain something keep there lips tight together.
Very, Very disappointed

Nic I too share your dissappointment, considering the fact our country is in the top 3 of most Revits sold worldwide, Of which we have 10 in our own office, (you do the maths on subscription.).10 dissapointed users here.

Real "toffee in your face" after all the hype: You can download it, but don't risk using it!
What a screwed up concept!

Nevertheless we still fall under EMEA. Loving USA.

Phil Palmer
2005-08-24, 10:16 AM
This whole situation seems rediculous. Many Uk users take a keen interest in this Augi forum and can easily guage that 8.1 is far more than just a 'point' release.
I currently have 21 licences of Revit and I am sure anyone can realise this is a MAJOR amount of money in subscription fees and up front investment.
So what is any EMEA user paying for now ?
The biggest feature I think ANY Revit user will be interested in with 8.1 is the issue of Worksets and the way they have been changed to speed up the entire STC process and workset borrowing etc. - SO WHY OH WHY is this just to be released in the US ?
Yes - I am sure that with the amount of licences I run and the nature of our projects, I will probably be issued with 8.1 licences BUT I even feel for the people who have even 1 valid licence and are a lot more instrumental on this forum than some of us 'bigger companies'
You sometimes have to think if its worth any effort in offering advice on this product if Autodesk are to continue with this strategy.
let alone the cost of subscriptions to so called ' keep up to date'
This is BAD NEWS !:(

2005-08-24, 10:51 AM
I must add my disappontment!!!

Yes, I am just a single user, paying the same UK subscription price eventhough our level of income is extremely lower than UK. Now there are brand new features that will improve our ability to work on projects and we are not able to use it.

Very disappointing...I wonder if ArchiCad treats non-US license holders the same way.


Shaun v Rooyen
2005-08-24, 10:59 AM
The biggest feature I think ANY Revit user will be interested in with 8.1 is the issue of Worksets and the way they have been changed to speed up the entire STC process and workset borrowing etc. - SO WHY OH WHY is this just to be released in the US ?
This is BAD NEWS !:(.

Oh of course the WORKSET issue, never gave it a thought (not). I want revit 8.1 so I can do those strange beach shells that are so much easier to do now????

Martin P
2005-08-24, 11:08 AM
hidden lines being exported to a special layer would save me a lot of pain..... as the imported DWGs not changing colour all the time!!

Its horrible knowing these things are fixed, but I cant use them.

Oh, and the sea shells and waves of course.. ;)

Nic M.
2005-08-24, 11:16 AM

Please, please, please, (really desperate)
give us the:


Phil Palmer
2005-08-24, 11:22 AM
I am sure this is not a descision made by 'the factory'.
Would be nice to hear the Autodesk Corporate WHY ! statement though :?

Shaun v Rooyen
2005-08-24, 11:34 AM
Ditto here

2005-08-24, 11:46 AM
I am sure this is not a descision made by 'the factory'.
Would be nice to hear the Autodesk Corporate WHY ! statement though :? Ditto here too... although WHEN is more important to me - any inprovement in worksets / STC would be HUGELY appreciated ASAP!!! :|

2005-08-24, 12:43 PM
We have paid the money for subscription
AutoDesk have taken the money
The software has been produced and released
The software has benefits to all users worldwide


Why exclude the majority of the world?

What's the deal here? :-(

2005-08-24, 01:31 PM
Would be nice to hear the Autodesk Corporate WHY ! statement though :?
You do know that you can voice your concerns to those who really make a difference, don't you? Their addresses are Carol.Bartz@autodesk.com and Carl.Bass@autodesk.com

2005-08-24, 03:01 PM
Very disappointed at the moment! I am sure that we (subscribers) at the least are owed an explanation for these circumstances. It may be perfectly logical, but once again lack of communication it going to cause upset . . . is it neccessary??

2005-08-24, 03:05 PM
Thank you Leonid for the link to Autodesk. Hopefully someone will listen. I for one US Revit user will not download and use the new 8.1 fixes until our other NON-US Revit users are given the same fixes. I've attached a copy of the email I wrote to Carol and Carl.


I was very disappointed to here that our fellow Revit users outside the US are not being given access to the new 8.1 download of Revit Building. If this release is for compatibility with Revit Structural 2 that apparently hasn't been released outside the US then other fixes shouldn't be included within this release for us US customers only.

I am not going to download 8.1 and take advantage of these fixes if other Revit users OUTSIDE the United States are being treated as second class Revit users.

Wes Macaulay
2005-08-24, 03:30 PM
Since the Factory doesn't control where the software gets released, and the higher-ups don't understand why it's important that 8.1 be available to the entire planet, then writing to Carl and Carol (wow -- their names are so similar: trippy) makes good sense.

They did it because of the cost involved in releasing 8.1 worldwide. They just don't understand. Send them lots of civil, e-mails explaining why you must have 8.1

Because... you must have it. The new features are real time-savers, and time is money, right kids?

Martin P
2005-08-24, 03:55 PM
Hi Wes I agree civil emails are the way to go, but I think it really comes down to the principle of the US getting it and others not - rather than actually really needing it. Its not really about getting 8.1, its about subsription looking like a complete con...

The whole thing sheds the Subscription deal in a truly terrible light - to have a situation where you pay for the upgrades in advance (whether you need them or not) then you dont get even them, while other do - its totally unnaceptable!!? who is going to put up with being treated like that more than once?? Why on earth Autodesk would want to p**s from great height on every subscription customer outside the US is a complete mystery to me..

Wes, this isnt directed at you!!
Nobody said anything about Revit Structure either, also only of benefit in the US - and diverting the factory away from working on what we are paying for... And now it seems preventing us getting upgrades?

2005-08-24, 04:13 PM
There seems to be another downside of this unfortunate US/non-US split. The users forced to stay on R8.0 EN will probably not have access to the almost-monthly build updates an fixes published on the download web (till Revit 9 release).

Vladimir Michl

Martin P
2005-08-24, 04:17 PM
What about practices that have offices inside and outside the US?

2005-08-24, 04:29 PM
. .. .Wes, this isnt directed at you!!
Nobody said anything about Revit Structure either, also only of benefit in the US - and diverting the factory away from working on what we are paying for... And now it seems preventing us getting upgrades?

Revit structure (from what I have read) has wider benefits to Autodesk than just integrating with Revit Building - it seems to have integrating aspects with ADT, which will give it a much broader scope in terms of likely customer base.

Trying not to be rude so . .hmmmm . .

2005-08-24, 04:38 PM
I urge all of you to contact your reseller... right now, if you have not done so already. They should be able to "help"

Scott D Davis
2005-08-24, 04:49 PM
Good advice Chris.

Additionally, for those who have written or plan to write/email C.B.'s (C. Bartz and C. Bass), I would suggest you stress how important it is to have the Web Downloads available. In the rapid release cycle of Revit, when new builds are being released often, and point releases in between the major releases, it is absolutely necessary that ALL users around the world continue to be offered a web download of any and every version of Revit. Revit is the only "Design" product in the Autodesk line that is available via download.

Wes Macaulay
2005-08-24, 06:04 PM
Hi Wes I agree civil emails are the way to go, but I think it really comes down to the principle of the US getting it and others not - rather than actually really needing it. Its not really about getting 8.1, its about subsription looking like a complete con...
I agree Martin -- Subscription isn't worth anything if you can't get the updates!

2005-08-24, 06:19 PM
I would like to know the thought process at Autodesk. Why in the world would they do this? We ALL pay the subscription. We ALL should get the updates.

2005-08-24, 06:22 PM
Funny too, that they started this thread in an "international" forum, closed the beta site for posting and told us to come here for further talk about the new release.

Wes Macaulay
2005-08-24, 09:00 PM
Hear ye, hear ye...

All ye the Revit Community of users!

This is the word of the Lord, though His instrument the almighty Revit Wishlist Manager.

Anyone who thirsts for 8.1 shall recieve it. Would your reseller in a non-American country, when you asked for the holy build, say to you, 'no dice?' God forbid!

And have any of you asked for the build and not received it? Verily, the ears of the resellers from sea to sea burneth, awaiting your call!

Here are your commandments! Attend to them and the LORD will bless you and give you many children!

Thou shalt not complain to your brothers and sisters here at Augi that you cannot have the holy build of 8.1 before thou hast contacted thy reseller. No one shall be refused the holy build, for yea, the prophets (and more importantly, the lawyers, for we all know that the meek will inherit the earth only after the lawyers die off) have said it shall come to pass
Thou shalt not send messages to those God has placed in really, really, high places. If thou doest, you shall be forced to use DataCAD!
(OK, so this isn't the word of Lord, but it's wisdom, and will make our friends in Waltham happy. And hey, you want Waltham to be happy, don't you?)

Chad Smith
2005-08-24, 09:05 PM
I contacted my reseller yesterday, and the reply was that is was unlikely we were going to get 8.1 and that we were going to have to wait for 9.0, but they were pressuring them to release it.
Ed: Oh, and everyone not happy, make sure you rate this thread 1 star.

Wes Macaulay
2005-08-24, 09:07 PM
Chad -- you're in Australia... I have heard direct from Autodesk that your region is getting 8.1 within a few weeks.

2005-08-25, 01:31 AM
I urge all of you to contact your reseller... right now, if you have not done so already. They should be able to "help"

Chris, and Leonid, the voices of reason and the C Zoog posting quoted above make good advice. I have followed Chris's advice (simply but cleverly weighted) and will follow that of Leonid today.

This notwithstanding, I too agree that it seems unfair to make this move without advising subscribers about the WHY.
True that when you are the proprietor and large, you can wield any stick you like, but brassing off your subscriber base like this is very poor.
Although Revit is an extraordinary and great tool for us, it is very disappointing to find resources directed away from a fair and equal distribution of the product to disadvantage users outside the nominated countries.

Without wishing to be a smarty pants, I have instrumental in the sales of approximately 6 seats of Revit to peer groups on the merits of the software and the declared intentions for development of the program.
I am soon to advise others about the Revit potential which might well result in 4 to 5 further sales ahead of an ArchiCAD or VectorWorks direction, but feel that I cannot do this knowing we are being fitted in the current manner.

Will it be that Revit 9 or some other future releases will also be released to the US. Canada etc and not worldwide equally or some features will be held back......it does not leave me as the person paying the subscription, that confident and so I would not want to have that come up later by others after being an advocate for what I feel is nevertheless the best product to do my job, and one which gives me so much daily pleasure to use.

I will be mailing the people mentioned by Leonid.

2005-08-25, 01:48 AM
Chad -- you're in Australia... I have heard direct from Autodesk that your region is getting 8.1 within a few weeks.

It is good to hear that especially paying over $160,000 for subscription to have the same right as the US...not!

Exar Kun
2005-08-25, 02:09 AM
Chad -- you're in Australia... I have heard direct from Autodesk that your region is getting 8.1 within a few weeks.

I certainly hope that's true. I've already sent an email to Autodesh requesting an explanation. Would be nice if they can reply and confirm this.

Wes Macaulay
2005-08-25, 02:34 AM
There are people in Autodesk who know how all of you feel, so let me repeat what I've been told:

all Revit users will be able to get 8.1 soon, and at this very moment the process is being communicated to resellers, so it may be a few days yet before your resellers are told how 8.1 will be made available in your area
all future releases of Revit will be available to everyone -- no more fuss
I suspect that at a corporate level Autodesk didn't realise how valuable 8.1 would be to the user community, and perceived it as an alignment release with RS2.

There is no cause for alarm, and no need to worry. You can be frustrated because you haven't got it yet, but you will! Just hold on, fellow Reviteers...

Exar Kun
2005-08-25, 03:08 AM
I received an email in reply to mine fairly quicky from Carl from Autodesk:

Thanks for letting us let know. Due to your note and many similar ones,
we are exploring the possibilities for releasing 8.1 worldwide. We will
let you know as soon as we have finalized our plans.


So it looks like the community has managed to make itself heard and, like Wes says, it's only a matter of time before 8.1 is available to us all.

Shaun v Rooyen
2005-08-25, 07:41 AM
Power to the people!!! I was just about to email this whole damn thread (at 10min intervals) to my buddy Carol.
ps: Wes for a moment there I thought THOU had lost it???

Nic M.
2005-08-25, 07:45 AM
All Good news then,
(Do I wished "John Autodesk" himself would reply here and tell us the why.)
Lets wait and see

Thanks to all who spoke up and made there concern noticeable to the decision makers. :beer:

Martin P
2005-08-25, 07:48 AM
Good news....

2005-08-25, 08:09 AM
Good news if thats the case
A feather on Leonid's hat to point us in the right direction.

2005-08-25, 08:56 AM
Hear ye, hear ye...

All ye the Revit Community of users!

This is the word of the Lord....I had to check with an old parish priest to decipher your message to the faithful. :shock:

This is good news. :-D

All hail to the power of AUGI and let the voices of its people be heard

2005-08-25, 11:40 AM
8.1 rocks!
Sydney, Australia

Wes Macaulay
2005-08-25, 01:18 PM
I had to check with an old parish priest to decipher your message to the faithful. :shock:

This is good news. :-D

All hail to the power of AUGI and let the voices of its people be heardHey -- gotta put that seminary training to good use, right? This is what happens when kids are forced to read the King James Version growing up! My kids are NOT reading this version, because no one will know what the heck they're saying :lol:

2005-08-25, 05:31 PM
To our valued Revit Building user community,

Revit Building 8.1 (and AutoCAD Revit Series 8.1) was originally planned for limited distribution, primarily for compatibility for Revit Structure 2 which is only available in the Americas at this time. However, we have heard your feedback and understand that those of you in other countries would find value in having the enhancements available in Revit Building 8.1. We are now working on a plan to make Revit Building 8.1 available in additional countries. More information about this plan will be made available shortly.

Also, some of you have commented on the need to maintain the availability of web downloads. We have no current plans to stop providing releases of Revit Building via the web.

Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm!

Jay Bhatt
VP, Building Solutions Division
Autodesk, Inc.

2005-08-25, 05:49 PM
:beer: Jay,

Thanks for taking time to respond directly here in our forum!

...However, we have heard your feedback and understand that those of you in other countries would find value in having the enhancements available in Revit Building 8.1...We are glad you have!

Two things stand out to me as I read the comments our members made about this issue.

First, those who pay for subscription believe they are entitled to receive any and all updates to the software. This is the fundamental value of subscription for most of us. Many are skeptical of this business model already and this certainly didn't help.

Second, Revit has never provided for backward compatibility, not saving back to earlier versions (I'm not suggesting that money should be spent to do so either btw). It isn't really an option for a product that has this condition to do a partial or limited release. There are quite a few firms represented here who have offices world wide not to mention firms who collaborate with other firms around the world.

Imho, just the improvements to worksets alone justify getting this release to every single user!! :D

We are glad that you and the team are working to sort this out!

Wes Macaulay
2005-08-25, 06:18 PM
However, we have heard your feedback and understand that those of you in other countries would find value in having the enhancements available in Revit Building 8.1. We are now working on a plan to make Revit Building 8.1 available in additional countries. More information about this plan will be made available shortly.

Also, some of you have commented on the need to maintain the availability of web downloads. We have no current plans to stop providing releases of Revit Building via the web.

Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm!

Jay Bhatt
VP, Building Solutions Division
Autodesk, Inc.Now I feel all warm and fuzzy. This is good...


Nic M.
2005-08-25, 07:40 PM
To our valued Revit Building user community,

Revit Building 8.1 (and AutoCAD Revit Series 8.1) was originally planned for limited distribution, primarily for compatibility for Revit Structure 2 which is only available in the Americas at this time. However, we have heard your feedback and understand that those of you in other countries would find value in having the enhancements available in Revit Building 8.1. We are now working on a plan to make Revit Building 8.1 available in additional countries. More information about this plan will be made available shortly.

Also, some of you have commented on the need to maintain the availability of web downloads. We have no current plans to stop providing releases of Revit Building via the web.

Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm!

Jay Bhatt
VP, Building Solutions Division
Autodesk, Inc.
Thanks for the clarification.

2005-08-26, 08:45 AM
To our valued Revit Building user community,

Revit Building 8.1
Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm!

Jay Bhatt
VP, Building Solutions Division
Autodesk, Inc.
Good news and thanks for the news direct from Autodesk.
I look forward to the improvements to worksets, that this release promises. Lets hope this whole unfortunate episode is behind us soon.

2005-08-26, 04:24 PM
This is a PDF comment, in this thread only because this is where I found how to get the PDF Writer back on track for my Revit 8.0.

Anyone know what's up with the RED line colors in the PDF's?

Geof Narlee.

2005-08-28, 01:28 AM
To our valued Revit Building user community,

Revit Building 8.1 (and AutoCAD Revit Series 8.1) was originally planned for limited distribution, primarily for compatibility for Revit Structure 2 which is only available in the Americas at this time. However, we have heard your feedback and understand that those of you in other countries would find value in having the enhancements available in Revit Building 8.1. We are now working on a plan to make Revit Building 8.1 available in additional countries. More information about this plan will be made available shortly.

Also, some of you have commented on the need to maintain the availability of web downloads. We have no current plans to stop providing releases of Revit Building via the web.

Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm!

Jay Bhatt
VP, Building Solutions Division
Autodesk, Inc.
When is shortly?
The download page still says aliens on trial.
My trial is running out-so soon 8.1 will be heading from cyberspace to outer space - and my project files with it.
I really needed some of the new features in 8.1.
When is shortly for asteroid Sydney?