View Full Version : Are we able to schedule phases?

2005-08-24, 12:47 PM
Hi there all.

I am trying to schedule the phase that items are created in my project. i.e. I have various windows and want to be able to shedlue when they need to be delivered on site. I can create a shared parameter in my component and then type in what phase it was created in, but i want to be able to link that to the "phase Created" field in my properties window. Then i would only need to only set what phase it was created in instead of doing the work twice.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance

2005-08-24, 12:53 PM
Go to the schedule view.
Rt click -> View Properties
Set the Phase Filter or Phase

Duplicate the view and re-set the Phase

This will make multiple schedules that you can organize on a single sheet.

This should work.

Shaun v Rooyen
2005-08-24, 01:36 PM
Glen, schedules are in effect just views of the database without all the pretty lines and stuff.
So yes, you can schedule the phases by just changing the views phase/phase filter settings, as you would a plan,section,elevation. You have to ensure though, that the components are placed in the correct phase.

2005-08-24, 01:52 PM
Hi Guys.

Thanks for the help, although i am tring to add the phase as a field in my schedule.

2005-08-24, 03:13 PM
Go to the schedule view.
Rt click -> View Properties
Set the Phase Filter or Phase

Duplicate the view and re-set the Phase

This will make multiple schedules that you can organize on a single sheet.

This should work.
Do this and Title the schedules with your Phases - that should make it clear surely?