View Full Version : Window shall be closed

2005-08-25, 03:39 PM
It happens more than once when I start a new project / Rfa or when opening a downloaded file I get the message " An error has occurred while drawing the contents of this window. This window shall be closed.
What's causing this ? Video card ? Any idea to avoid this?

2005-08-25, 04:11 PM
It happens more than once when I start a new project / Rfa or when opening a downloaded file I get the message " An error has occurred while drawing the contents of this window. This window shall be closed.
What's causing this ? Video card ? Any idea to avoid this?My money is on Open GL and overlay frames. These two check boxes are probably responsible for 98% of all crashes...

Max Lloyd
2005-08-25, 04:29 PM
so is it best to have them both checked or not? I only have the bottom one checked? (although I very rarely get crashes)

Wes Macaulay
2005-08-25, 04:32 PM
Just check OpenGL. You'll get degraded performance -- generally -- by checking the overlay planes option. I have a rough idea of what they're for in general OpenGL usage but less so with Revit.

2005-08-25, 04:52 PM
so is it best to have them both checked or not? I only have the bottom one checked? (although I very rarely get crashes)Nearly every PC I have come in contact with performed better with both unchecked. If you don't crash or have problems with either or both checked then great! If not...uncheck them both, overlay planes won't add anything if Open GL doesn't work, my weak understanding of the technical nature of the features.

2005-08-25, 05:20 PM
Wes, Steve, Max
There was a thread about the"overlay planes" lately ... so I unchecked that one since. My video card didn't support overlay planes anyway. The "use OpenGL Hardware Acceleration" still checked.
I'll give it a try to unchecking it also.


2005-08-29, 11:42 PM
It happens more than once when I start a new project / Rfa or when opening a downloaded file I get the message " An error has occurred while drawing the contents of this window. This window shall be closed.
I've been seeing this error message a lot (as in every couple of days) - it seems to happen when I have a lot of views "open". It seems to happen when I go to open a view. It seems to have started occuring since upgrading to 8.1. It doesn't appear to be reproducable, and doesn't crash Revit - it's more of an annoyance than anything... but it appears to be a bug none the less.

Not sure if it's related to the graphics card or not, but I'm using OpenGL and overlay planes on a nVidia Qudro FX500 - which is about as stable an OpenGL card as they come.

2005-08-30, 07:53 AM
I just downloaded the Rvt-file Wes uploaded in cphubbs thread "compound Angle Wall's.(Revit was not running yet) I had that annoying message.

When I unchecked "open GL" before opening Wes's file > Revit opened it > no problem.
But when I downloaded that file again with "open GL" checked > I did get that annoying message also.

Wes Macaulay
2005-08-30, 02:29 PM
Eddy, it sounds like a driver problem. What kind of video card do you have?

Wes Macaulay
2005-08-30, 02:30 PM
Not sure if it's related to the graphics card or not, but I'm using OpenGL and overlay planes on a nVidia Qudro FX500 - which is about as stable an OpenGL card as they come.I think it may be because the video card is running out of RAM? Not entirely sure about this.

Who's the manufacturer of your card? Have you tried downloading their driver? That should help a bit -- and possible make OpenGL work in 8.1. I don't see why OpenGL would work in 8.0 and not 8.1.

2005-08-30, 03:00 PM
I have been struggling with the OpenGL-overlay plane issue ever since I starting using Revit. By struggling, I mean learning about what these settings mean to Revit. Maybe there should be an Nvidia profile that can be shared that is optimized for Revit usage? A post that has the card specs and the profile attached? ...Thoughts?

2005-08-30, 06:18 PM
Eddy, it sounds like a driver problem. What kind of video card do you have?

It's a NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT just a month or so installed and working with Revit 8.0.
I don't know much about these cards and hardware in general. Have I been too economical ?

2005-08-30, 06:26 PM
It's a NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT just a month or so installed and working with Revit 8.0.
I don't know much about these cards and hardware in general. Have I been too economical ?My new PC has the GeForce 6800 and until I downloaded the latest driver from the Nvidia website for it I was unable to check either check box relating to Open GL or Overlay frames. I got the same window shall be closed error as well. With the latest driver installed it is the first time I have ever been able to actually leave those check boxes checked.

Keep in mind that conventional wisdom has been saying we should rely on the PC manufacturer to supply the latest drivers. In my case it looks like Dell just stuck a 3rd party card in as opposed to some manufacturers that have video capability built on the motherboard etc...so what I'm saying is your mileage may vary! :wink:

I'm slowly arriving at the opinion that a feature like this that seems to be so difficult to successfully use is a feature that might be better disabled or not supported at all. Put resources to better use till it is a more stable technology for Revit users? Just a thought?

Wes Macaulay
2005-08-30, 06:33 PM
I don't know much about these cards and hardware in general. Have I been too economical ?Hard to say. But if you can, remove the cover from your computer and see what make the card is... Asus, AOpen... find any identifying model numbers you can.

My computer came with a GeForce 6600 card by Gigabyte. That was the problem right there... we've seen several cases where Gigabyte cards don't work with Revit. MSI cards are also a problem.

Steve, you should check into this on your new computer too.

GeForce cards are really a gaming card and not meant for CAD work. But GeForce cards by Asus, AOpen, PNY, Gainward and Chaintech have all worked properly with OpenGL in Revit. Asus is the best of the bunch on the GeForce line for Revit, at least from my experience.

2005-08-30, 06:40 PM
...Steve, you should check into this on your new computer too...Guess I wasn't clear...the card is working great now! Just needed the new driver...

Wes Macaulay
2005-08-30, 08:33 PM
Actually, that was me not reading your post carefully enough :Oops:

2005-08-30, 09:17 PM
The manual reads XFXforce. For further spec....I'll ask my vendor when he comes along next time.

Wes Macaulay
2005-08-30, 09:38 PM
You might not need it... XFX is also a GeForce card supplier. All you have to do is identify whether it's AGP or PCI-E. Then get the drivers here: