View Full Version : Problems Cutting a roof sweep

GS Fulton
2004-02-07, 11:03 PM
Wow, over a 1,000 posts since my last visit. Busy place. Another sign that I've been way too busy.

I'm trying to create an in-place roof family that is a complex sweep (single slope roof that curves along different arcs in plan). I am now trying to cut it so that I can have the resulting shape I would like and Revit won't allow me to make the extrusion depth enough to cut it as much as I want to. Has anyone else run into this? Could really use some help on this one. tia


Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work. ---

2004-02-07, 11:30 PM
Perhaps a picture or sketch of what you are trying to make it look like...

GS Fulton
2004-02-07, 11:50 PM
Basically, I am trying to cut the roof to fit the walls below. I have shifted the radius center of the curving roof off of the radius of the walls which will result in the lower end of the roof increasing in height from one side of the arc to the other. You can see through the round element part of the roof going into the building. Definitely want that cut off.
I already have voids created. Just can't change the depth of the extrusion.



2004-02-08, 12:30 AM
Hi GF,
I suspect the problem could be the work plane of the voids, re the parts of the sweep being cut ? ( But you should still be able to make large enough voids to do the job )

You may be able to make your roof as a footprint, rather than a sweep. You could then edit the sketch accurately and easily without needing to cut voids.


2004-02-08, 01:40 AM
Maybe post the file and let someone look at it for you

GS Fulton
2004-02-08, 08:34 PM
Thanks for replies. Can't do footprint. Tried that and just can't get the right shape with it. I've done this type of thing before and not had problems. I created the voids I want but Revit will not allow me to take their extrusion depths beyond a certain point. Can't post from here because of ****** dial up speed. Do I just attach file to email or is there another place I post a file?

Thanks for all help

George F

2004-02-08, 09:20 PM
Do I just attach file to email or is there another place I post a file?

George F

See if you can purge the file before posting and maybe make a copy and delete other information from that to reduce file size if its large, then just attach to your post.

2004-02-08, 09:58 PM
I suspect that you have setup on the wrong workplane or something. I can't think of a reason it would restrict the extrusion depth.

GS Fulton
2004-02-09, 02:30 AM
File is attached. The voids are built, it just won't allow me to change the depth beyond a certain range. Help appreciated.

G Fulton

2004-02-09, 03:03 AM
Hmmmm, ..... can't see the attached file.......

GS Fulton
2004-02-09, 05:47 AM
I figured out the problem. It seems that if you have a sweep made of multiple varying radius arcs, you can't cut it across the lines dividing the different radii. You can only cut each portion of the sweep totally contained within the confines of each arch portion.

I was only able to get my roof to work by cutting each section of the sweep separately. This left a wafer thin piece of the roof still remaining at the joints. A bit frustrating. Had to edit the pieces out in 2D views. This could use some work.

George F

2004-02-09, 08:43 AM
Thats a useful tip George and may well explain the more general problems of cutting voids through solid geometry.

GS Fulton
2004-02-09, 06:23 PM
It is a nice thing to know when you are building models. I searched the Adesk website, help, tutorials, and it doesn't mention that anywhere. It would really be nice to have a help file with rules for that sort of thing.

George F