View Full Version : dimensioning nested families in elevation

2005-08-26, 01:13 AM
Could someone else check this out?
open the attached project
should open to the interior elevation view 2-a
add a dimension from the floor to the bottom of the sink
this is just the countertop with sinks from the adsk web site

I think it is with nested families,
checking it out...now
do you crash?

OK - addendum 1
just reproduced with my own nested family.
seems to dimension to parent object, but has a big problem with the children's family components
it is not just this project, I just created the attached as a simplification of the larger project in which this was taking me down,

2005-08-26, 05:21 PM
Addendum 2
OK, I cannot believe this is not a problem for anyone else
it does not even have to be an interior elevation

just place a wall
place a family that has a nested family
dimension from the wall to the nested object
is this just my machine???

2005-08-27, 01:24 PM
I downloaded & tried to dimension your sink, as suggested, and crashed immediatly (8.1).

I tried a few nested families I have, and had no problems dimensioning to the nested object(s), including a mulled window unit with a nested object arrayed, similar in construction to your sink unit.

I'd send the family to the factory for a look.