View Full Version : Can't snap to structure layer in walls

2005-08-30, 03:39 PM
I cannot get Revit to choose or select the corner of the structure of a wall. As you all know, we architects draw to structure NOT to finish face. Is there a setting I can change to make Revit select corners of structure?

2005-08-30, 03:43 PM
I think you need to change your wall location line to exterior finish face. If you post a snap shot of the offending wall we can help you further.

2005-08-30, 03:45 PM
I know you know how to tab, could you be more specific, e.g., are you dimensioning a non-ortho wall, etc.?

2005-08-30, 03:47 PM
Here is a screen shot of Revit selecting the corner of the finish face of the wall, which is what I do not want.

2005-08-30, 04:11 PM
Here is a screen shot of Revit selecting the corner of the finish face of the wall, which is what I do not want.

You need to use Tab to get this most of the time or zoomed in to the level you are at now. It will snap to the reference. It would be nice if it would only snap to the prefer setting unless you override, but currently the second pick is somewhat free. On the options bar make sure prefer is set to faces of core (aka structure).

2005-08-30, 04:14 PM
I tried this and you are correct that you can not seem to snap to the endpoint, however you can snap to the "core layer" or any other layer for that matter further down the wall. I drew a line from the layers of this wall and then dragged them towards the endpoint.

If you need them to be exactly on the end point you could draw a line from the perpendicular wall and trim them. PITA but is works.

Martin P
2005-08-31, 08:41 AM
You should send a service request to Autodesk for this to be fixed. Its an old problem..

2007-09-11, 09:44 PM
Reviving a very old thread - Is this still unresolved? Did anyone send a service request to the factory?

I have got the same problem in the 2008 version while trying to add a wall perpendicular to an external corner joint (see pic below). I can't snap my new wall to the corner of the core stud layer which is where it needs to get built from. I know you can eyeball it and it will be built fine on site but this seems weird from an accurate CAD package these days.

I tried changing the wall join to mitre which gives me an eyeballed 'nearest' type point but still no snap to the corner.

I guess this is another one of those minor PITA things that I need to get over and just box on regardless?.

2007-09-12, 01:52 PM
You can do what you're after, you just have to NOT use the tab key, at least in an angled wall instance. When you have two walls forming an intersection at some give angle, your first reaction is to do what was suggested, which is try and tab to the core intersection, but it doesn't work. Just zoom in close, hover over the intersection and click. It will grab the core's intersection. See image.

As far as a 90deg. corner. I am able to grab the corner of the core and dimension to something. You need use the tab key in this instance and you need to do this first, then dimension to whatever you need to. Not the other way around. If you do this backwards, you won't be able to tab to the core intersection. I don't know why, but you can't. See image.

Hope this helps.


2007-09-17, 08:46 PM
Thanks for the reply Josh but I still can't work out a simple way to 'draw a wall' from this point. I noticed you resorted to using dimensions to be able to pick the point which I initially thought "ok that is a workaround that I can use by drawing a wall and then dimensioning off it to adjust it" but that doesnt seem to work either. Even when using dimensions it doesnt allow you to adjust that dimension when selecting the wall afterwards.

And zooming in while drawing a wall doesnt seem to offer the same option.

The 90deg wall isn't as much of a problem since you can select the internal corner of the core junction and line it up that way.

I just find it hard to believe that when drawing up a simple floor plan layout that I cant draw a wall off a structural point.

Is there something simple that I am missing here that I am going to feel extremely embarrassed about when I find out???

2007-09-17, 08:51 PM
For now the quickest way I can do this is to use Jim's suggestion of drawing lines, one across the corner and one along one face of the core and then trimming the two together to create a corner point to draw a wall off.

Very strange that we should have to resort to that though if you ask me.

Anyway considering I am still a relative novice I know I have bigger issues to learn and deal with than this!.


2018-08-30, 11:54 PM
Thanks Kurk! This solved my issue! I was having trouble with dimensions from stud to stud, realized it was joint issue. In square joint type, one wall starts after other wall ends so, you have to select that wall stud. Basically dimensioning just above the other wall, no need to change joint type too.

2018-09-02, 01:38 PM
If I'm reading this thread correctly, it has taken 13 years to the day, in order for OP's issue to be resolved -- or aeons, in computer time!!

Just goes to show how glacially slow Autodesk is to improve Revit, we find all these workarounds in the long term, and in the longer term they might be addressed... or not.