View Full Version : Phasing Issues while copying groups.

2005-08-31, 04:03 PM
When copying grouped objects from level to level, the phase that they have been assigned to doesn't stay the same, so I have to manually place each object back onto the proper phase. Is there a way to keep the phasing of objects as they are copied?

FYI: Using Revit Bldg 8.1

2005-08-31, 07:08 PM
I believe you'd have to change the phase of the view to match the phase of the copied objects, before doing the copy.

2005-10-14, 05:41 PM
I just ran into this today while doing some 5d work, I have objects in a group that are in different phases, but they all just go to the phase the view is set to....groups could be so cool but they just plain suck right now :(

2007-09-04, 08:35 PM
I know this thread has been sitting awhile, but I just ran into this.

A user created groups in the new construction phase, when they really should have been existing. When we went back to correct the problem, we had to go into group edit mode to change the items back to existing. But, no copies of the group changed.

It turns out that Revit is more concerned about the phase in which you're making the change. Since we were in a "new construction" view (which we had to be in order to see the objects), the changes we were making were trying to default to the new construction phase.

Here's the whacky work-around/solution:

Duplicate your view and change the phase of the copied view to existing.
Close all other views so that only the 2 views (1 new consruction and 1 existing) are open.
Tile the 2 views.
In the "new construction" view, select the group and select "Edit group".
In group edit mode, select all the objects in the group.
Now, pick on the "existing" view. The grips of the selected objects should appear.
Click on the Properties button in the "existing" view and change the phase of the selected objects to "existing".
Finally, pick "Finish Group" in the "new construction view".Now, since the objects within the group were changed in the "existing" view, the groups will follow suit.

2007-09-05, 02:58 AM
Hey Rolly :) Interesting solution...I've done something similar before when faced with similar situations (selecting in one view and switching to another to do editing).

I don't understand why you were having these issues. I just tested out and could not reproduce the problem (created a group of walls (new construction) in a new construction view; then edited the group, selected the walls and changed them to existing and finished group editing). The whole group became "existing" with no issues.

2007-09-05, 02:20 PM
Hey David,
Granted, I don't have the whiz-bang dual 24" monitors like some of you have, but I manage to tile a couple of views on my single 22". Tiling views is a very useful method that's often overlooked.

As for the exorcise, you only got half of it. ;)
While you made a group of 4 walls, you didn't copy that group around. My user had 56 copies of her group. You only need 3 or 4 to get the point.
Now, while you can edit the group and change all the elements to the existing phase, the wierd stuff happens when you click "finish group" and you expect all the copies of the group to update.

2007-09-05, 03:30 PM
Ahaaa, I see now. Revit treats each object as a unique element when it comes to worksets and phasing (it's like these are "instance" parameters). Another approach you could try to see similar behavior is to turn the group into a link. The advantage of using a link is that if the objects are set to "existing", any copies of the link retain those properties, unlike groups. You can then go to a view that is set to Existing and bind the link. The objects will inherit the view's phasing. So if you bind in a view set to New Construction, you're back to where you started and all objects will be set to New Construction!

2007-09-06, 01:44 PM
Ok similar topic...different scenario...

I had a project where I was setting up the phasing for 3 buildings...the 3 buildings were set in an arc pattern and were all exactly the same. I basically built one (consisting of floors, columns, beams, wall studs, interior walls, exterior brick, glass, etc) and grouped everything to copy it around the arc 2 more times.

Now, I wanted to phase the model into a 12 step construction sequencing based on a rough 2 month/phase 'snapshot' view...to accomplish this I basically edited the first group and adjusted each model component to the correct phase and finished editing the group. The phases that I adjusted did NOT transfer over to the other 2 copies of the buildings (this wasnt what I was after anyway as it didnt match the phasing plan, but I found it perplexing). My question: How do I get the separate phasings of all those building components in one group to transfer over to both of the copies that i made? (essentially each group is made up of multiple components with different phases)

Each time I would copy one of the groups all of the separate phasings that I had set up would be reverted back to whatever the phase was of the view that I was currently working in (as others have mentioned above). Someone mentioned 'linking' the group to phase it differently...well the only problem I ran into there is that you cannot 'link' a group...moreover I couldnt link all the separate phases in the group I had so it was irrelevant anyway.

Anyone have any thoughts or workarounds? I essentially had to make copies of each building and phase them all separately (which was just annoyingly long) and I want to figure out a more efficient way to accomplish this if it exists...thanks!

2007-09-06, 02:38 PM
You can't. That's just not how Revit works. Phasing and the workset parameters work very similar. Objects go to the current workset and the current view phase. It's as simple as that.

To have all 3 groups be phased the same way, turn your groups into a link (select all instances first, then make them into a link) and edit the link. All links will have the same phasing. If you want to turn them back into groups, you're going to be stuck again though, as when you turn the links into groups, the phasing of each element reverts to the current view's phase once again instead of retaining what was set in the link. I don't personally like this and I wish that we were given the option to a) keep existing phasing settings, b) move all objects to view's phase.