View Full Version : Topo Splitting strangeness

Dean Camlin
2004-02-10, 12:02 PM
See the attached image. After modeling the topo surface, I split it to make asphalt and grass areas, and my building pad. But after splitting, I noticed that Revit had inserted additional elevation points which raised or depressed the edges along the split in unanticipated ways. Has anyone else encountered this? I don't think it behaved this way before 6.0.

2004-02-10, 03:56 PM
I have experienced this behavior in 6.0 as well. I don't recall seeing it in earlier versions.

2004-02-10, 07:25 PM
Can you post the file in its pre-split state? I was unable to get this to happen on the fly.

Dean Camlin
2004-02-12, 11:41 AM
Here it is. There have already been some parts of the topo surface split, but not yet in the parking islands that were giving me trouble.

2004-02-12, 06:47 PM
Here is jpeg of surface after performing some splits. I did not run into any problems. I used import lines to generate the split lines and it was all good. Not sure what was happening in your case :(

Dean Camlin
2004-02-13, 12:52 PM
Well, thanks for trying. I had used the "pick" option to select the split lines from the imported civil engineer's AutoCAD drawing. I can eliminate the spurious points (all clustered along the split edges) by hand, but it's still troubling that the program appears to be inserting these points on its own.

2004-02-13, 04:07 PM
This may not have been noticed, but now in 6.0, you can pick a chain of import lines. This makes creating the split sketch very, very fast. Especially compared with old behavior. Just beware that some lines have small gaps that need to be cleaned up. To find gaps, I just do a chain select and see how far the chain goes. If only part of my sketch lights up, then you know where the gap is.