View Full Version : 8.1 Modification To Be aware of

2005-09-01, 03:41 PM
In 8.1 the dwg imports in families is turned off by default in all views so if you used dwg imports in your families, they will all dissappear when you upgrade. All you have to do is go to VV and turn on the imports in families check box under imported categories.

Wes Macaulay
2005-09-01, 04:13 PM
Huh -- that's interesting. Wonder why they did that?

2005-09-01, 05:16 PM
Imports were turned off but displayed anyway - it was a bug.

2005-09-01, 06:46 PM
Make sense

2005-09-01, 07:05 PM

2005-09-01, 09:15 PM
Unfortunately you can't apply view templates to sheets so if you have 86 sheets as we do on one project and the title block has a dwg imported into it, you have to go to each sheet and turn it on.

2005-09-01, 09:32 PM
Good point. I guess we should have automatically turned on these flags during upgrade. I'll see what we can do.

2005-09-01, 09:39 PM
fwiw, if the dwg is part of a nested family in the titleblock they work despite this condition...at least it is working here.

2005-09-01, 10:11 PM
Got that, thanks.

2005-09-02, 03:47 PM
Hmm I have a family with dwg linked in and it will not show in the project no matter what I do

2005-09-02, 03:52 PM
Hmm I have a family with dwg linked in and it will not show in the project no matter what I doThat is the problem Scott is identifying...the exception I made is a family with a dwg being nested in another family and this family being loaded into the project, two levels deep in other words.

2005-09-02, 05:01 PM
OK, it looks like you guys are going to flood me with samples here so let's be civil and send them to client support instead. ;-)

2005-09-02, 05:44 PM
OK, it looks like you guys are going to flood me with samples here so let's be civil and send them to client support instead. ;-)Don't go away mad...:Puffy:

2005-09-02, 10:02 PM
Since when is ;-) mad? ;-)