View Full Version : ODBC Export

Chad Smith
2004-02-11, 03:06 AM
I have finally got my Revit running / setup to a point where I want to move onto exporting the BIM data out to a database or spreadsheet so I can hand it over to our estimating department.

My question quite simply is, What would be the best, simplest, and easiest to export the data?

I have knowledge in Access but is too complex a software for the estimators (as insulting as that may sound). Excel would be a better option, but don't know how to set it up. I have opened an excel file after exporting the data and it just looks like a whole bunch of sheets with raw data.
Do you setup a template excel file with all sheets formated to be readable first and then export the data?

But I guess the ultimate solution would be able to export out to a database that the software the estimators use called Buildsoft could use. I have absolutely no knowledge of this software, but I thought that you guys might know a little about it and if this is possible.

I need some pointers with this just so i can get started in the right direction.
If you have some example files I could look at, that would be great.

2004-02-11, 03:23 AM
I can't offer much direct help, but these topics might :-

First One (www.zoogdesign.com/forums/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=1428&highlight=estimat%2A)

Second one (www.zoogdesign.com/forums/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=575&highlight=cost+estimat%2A)

and David Conant wrote this in another thread :-

You can set up ODBC export to export directly into .xls format. It will export the entire project into a workbook with many sheets. There may be more data here than you need and it is not set up as your schedules are since it is a full export of the project.
When performing the export, set you machine data source to the Excel driver. Subsequent exports will update the Revit derived portions of the Excel file.

2004-02-11, 03:39 AM
I have built a Revit template with 25 schedule/quantity reports that, when exported to .txt files, automatically populate my Excel estimate and map to unit prices in CSI format. I use costs from a book called "Guide to Construction Costs" for Architects, Contractors and Engineers. It has localization and inflation modifiers too.

It takes about 20 minutes to complete an estimate once the unit prices are built into the Excel lookup table. Some of the mappings are very detailed, and some (like HVAC) are SF allowances. Let me know if you'd like to know/see more.

The template also has phasing/views set up for 4D construction "simulation".

I corresponded with Ken and worked tried out some of the templates. I also worked with Access, where I found the templates and wizards quite helpul. Still, I'd rather turn the ODBC data over to someone with more expertise, and keep on modeling.


Chad Smith
2004-02-11, 04:24 AM
Thanks to both of you.

Ken, if you are reading this, I would be very interested in having a look at those excel files that you have set up. Sounds pretty close to what I was wanting to do in Excel. Either post here or to my email.

2004-02-11, 07:46 AM
Post here please!! I forgot about this post. I would be very interested in checking this out!

2004-02-11, 09:53 AM
I'd be interested to know how Ken resolves/maps type ID's. If the family isn't already in the project file then loading the family into the project creates a new type ID. You have to deal with this somehow.


2004-02-11, 12:38 PM
I'd be interested to know how Ken resolves/maps type ID's. If the family isn't already in the project file then loading the family into the project creates a new type ID. You have to deal with this somehow.

the way the app in the first post mentioned by Beegee works to solve this problem is the following:

whenever a new family is loaded, the ODBC export has to be redone. The Cost Estimate software runs a check on the type ID's and if it finds a new one that wasn't there earlier it displays a dialog warning you about it and asking if you want to map it to an existing cost estimate item or create a new one specifically for that new family.
then the calculation is redone displaying the new (and correct) cost estimate.

If you want any info on this italian app let me know.

2004-02-11, 05:55 PM
Cheers gnl.
My own application automatically maps types.
You still need discipline though with walls /floors etc you can change the thickness or composite structure and it doesn't change the typeID. You have to be careful with that one. I haven't found a way to resolve this.


Ken Stowe
2004-02-11, 08:38 PM
Thanks to both of you.

Ken, if you are reading this, I would be very interested in having a look at those excel files that you have set up. Sounds pretty close to what I was wanting to do in Excel. Either post here or to my email.

Chad, I'm glad to hear about enthusiasm for Revit data.

For ease of formatting, instead of ODBC, I have a template with 25 schedule quantity reports. I copy and paste (from sheet to sheet) the reports into the design file. I export with a script in about 20 seconds all 25 reports, and use an Excel macro (another 20 seconds) to bring the data into my cost worksheet.

The worksheet looks up the unit price and creates 25 subtotals which populate the summary and comparison sheets. There are 4 Excel features to know and respect to make it smooth and reliable.

I am willing to send the Excel worksheet and template, but prefer to talk you through the 4 features to avoid mistakes and waste. Ken - ken.stowe@autodesk.com

2004-02-11, 08:45 PM
[quote:d926e27165="Chad Smith"]Thanks to both of you.

Ken, if you are reading this, I would be very interested in having a look at those excel files that you have set up. Sounds pretty close to what I was wanting to do in Excel. Either post here or to my email.

Chad, I'm glad to hear about enthusiasm for Revit data.

For ease of formatting, instead of ODBC, I have a template with 25 schedule quantity reports. I copy and paste (from sheet to sheet) the reports into the design file. I export with a script in about 20 seconds all 25 reports, and use an Excel macro (another 20 seconds) to bring the data into my cost worksheet.

The worksheet looks up the unit price and creates 25 subtotals which populate the summary and comparison sheets. There are 4 Excel features to know and respect to make it smooth and reliable.

I am willing to send the Excel worksheet and template, but prefer to talk you through the 4 features to avoid mistakes and waste. Ken - ken.stowe@autodesk.com[/quote:d926e27165]


I too am interested in checking out your Excel worksheet would you mind emailing it to me as well? Thank you.

2004-02-11, 09:33 PM
With this renewed interest...I was thinking that maybe it is time for another show and tell Ken...are you up for another webcast? Is it in the budget...?

Ken Stowe
2004-02-11, 10:32 PM
With this renewed interest...I was thinking that maybe it is time for another show and tell Ken...are you up for another webcast? Is it in the budget...?

I am. Fire me an email of interest and let me know your location so I can pick a time-zone-friendly time. K

Chad Smith
2004-02-24, 06:30 AM
Ken, what was the outcome of the webcast. Do you have a recorded version for those of us that couldn't make it.
I didn't really feel like coming into work at 2:00am on a Saturday morning to join the demonstration, I value my sleep :wink:

2004-02-24, 11:34 AM
Ken, ditto to Chads comment - we are 3 hours later - so if those of us on the west coast of Oz could watch a replay that would be great.

WE are GMT + 8 hours. :D :D :D