View Full Version : New Web Download available Now!

2005-09-02, 04:45 PM
Hi all,

We have just posted a new Web download on our web download site www.autodesk.com/revitbuilding

two important things about this web download:

1. Just as we have done it in the past, this Web Download of Revit Building 8.1 and AutoCAD Revit Series 8.1 will be applicable to all licenses of the English version of Revit Building 8 and AutoCAD Revit Series 8 under subscription, worldwide.

2. this is a newer build than the Web download posted previously, some important fixes have been done in the mean time

enjoy the new build and if you have any questions, feel free to contact me directly:




Scott Hopkins
2005-09-02, 04:53 PM

What fixes or changes are incorporated in this latest build?

2005-09-02, 05:02 PM
We have just posted a new Web download on our web download site www.autodesk.com/revitbuilding
It's really great that the Factory puts out these updated builds. Thank you!

2005-09-02, 05:30 PM
answer to Scott:

Since the first web download, there were reported issues around curious cases of DWG import failing on certain drawings, DWF printing slowed down, issues with save to central and when opening a file. Note that these were happening on very specific individual cases. They are fixed with this build.
hope this helps

Wes Macaulay
2005-09-02, 05:43 PM
Can anyone post the direct download link? My version of the page (cached on a server somewhere) still shows the initial 8.1 build.

2005-09-02, 05:57 PM
Can anyone post the direct download link? My version of the page (cached on a server somewhere) still shows the initial 8.1 build.
I just did ctrl-R in IE and got the correct link.


2005-09-02, 06:01 PM
Thanks for the quick updates to the program and for letting us know about it here on AUGI.

2005-09-02, 06:20 PM
The build available from the Revit page is still the original from August 4th. truevis provided a direct link, but I'm assuming that won't work for Revit Series installations. I'm thinking it's not a browser cache issue because I also checked it with IE (which I don't typically use) and it also shows the previous build.

Wes Macaulay
2005-09-02, 06:31 PM
The problem is with cached pages with internet service providers. They're caching the download page, but the files can be accessed directly.

Revit Building 8.1

Revit Series 8.1

2005-09-02, 06:42 PM
I am not sure if the blame is entirely ISPs. In the old days one could type http://revit.autodesk.com/download.asp and always get to the latest build available for download.

2005-09-02, 06:43 PM
hi all,
there must have been a delay on the server - i just tried, it works.

2005-09-02, 07:42 PM
hi all,
there must have been a delay on the server - i just tried, it works.
Same here.
I tried about 12:45 (CDT) & saw the 8/04 build.
Just tried again 2:30 CDT & just like magic, there's
Build Number: 20050825_0100 :grin:
Time to update a few machines...

2005-09-02, 07:47 PM
It would be nice to be officially notified about these updates by email. I'm sure Autodesk could do a mail merge and advise all their loyal customers about the new build.

2005-09-02, 07:48 PM
Does anyone have the problem of Revit changing file locations when you install an update. I always loose these and wish the upgrade process could be more seamless. No telling what else has been changed, but won't know until I run into something else. It does change my graphic settings back to default. Seems like it could inherit our settings from the old install even when it unistalls the application first. It would be nice too if it could keep me from running activate again and again each time we update - couldn't it keep the current license info. If they are worried about non subscribers being able to update with an invalid license, just simply make the downloads subscribers only through the subscription center. After all, that is why we log into that isn't it - and pay extra.

2005-09-02, 07:52 PM
Just copy your revit.ini file to your desktop, before the update, then copy it back into your directory.(program files/adsk revit .../program/

2005-09-02, 08:24 PM
Just copy your revit.ini file to your desktop, before the update, then copy it back into your directory.(program files/adsk revit .../program/

I wish I would have thought to do that. I remember now having to go to the 8.0 directory to get that file. I wish it could leave that file alone just like the content folders.

2005-09-02, 08:39 PM
Bruce, thanks for raising this. We will see if we can make that possible for the next release. thanks!

Nic M.
2005-09-02, 09:56 PM
Thank you very much,
I really appreciate the effort

2005-09-02, 10:48 PM
It would be nice to be officially notified about these updates by email. I'm sure Autodesk could do a mail merge and advise all their loyal customers about the new build.

You'd think a window would pop up upon launch of Revit telling us a newer version is out eh?

2005-09-03, 12:59 PM
:smile: THANKS FACTORY!!1:smile:
I had just encountered the problem with imported acad files... nice to know you are one step ahead!

Chad Smith
2005-09-04, 10:27 PM
there were reported issues around curious cases of DWG import failing on certain drawings
Just need to get the Exporting (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=25068) fixed. ;-)

Ed: And thanks for the new release.

2005-09-05, 01:44 AM
hi all,
there must have been a delay on the server - i just tried, it works.

Thanks Autodesk & Factory
... it works like a treat! :smile:

Shaun v Rooyen
2005-09-05, 11:41 AM
Thanks Tanja, Autodesk. EMEA is now on 8.1!!!

2005-09-05, 01:33 PM
Thanks Tanja, Autodesk. EMEA is now on 8.1!!!
Doesn't seem to register over here though, anyone managed to licence in the UK?

Nic M.
2005-09-05, 02:18 PM
I bugged Tatjana for a few days to get mine:
"Can I have the code...,Can I have the code...,Can I have the code...,Can I have the code...,Can I have the code...,Can I have the code...,Can I have the code...,Can I have the code..."

In the end I even had to use some hard tactics (http://www.glacio.be/offer_example.asp)

(I just followed the registration wizard and when it didn't authorize automatic I contacted Authcodes Neuchatel MB and they gave me a code this afternoon)

2005-09-05, 09:17 PM
Hi all,
some of our customers experience a problem when trying to register automatically. Please contact our Authcodes in Neuchatel, you will be served instantly. we are trying to fix the problem and expect to have it sorted out by tomorrow afternoon European time.
please contact me directly in case you have a problem


2005-09-05, 09:50 PM
Doesn't seem to register over here though, anyone managed to licence in the UK?Hi Rhys,

I registered OK with the 'Group ID and Name' given to me in an e-mail from EMEAsubscriptions@autodesk.com last week and was subsequently able to activate Revit on-line, with no problems.

Exar Kun
2005-09-06, 07:18 AM
I've been out of the loop for a while - is the rest of the world catered for now? I haven't received a disk but was wondering I would be able to download, install & license this build without any problems.

2005-09-06, 08:11 AM
Hi Rhys,

I registered OK with the 'Group ID and Name' given to me in an e-mail from EMEAsubscriptions@autodesk.com last week and was subsequently able to activate Revit on-line, with no problems.
Thanks for feedback Damo that didn't work for me - but Autodesk EMEA did respond within the hour and I'm now up and running.

Wes Macaulay
2005-09-06, 03:09 PM
In the end I even had to use some hard tactics (http://www.glacio.be/offer_example.asp):lol: That's great Nic