View Full Version : Dimensions Witness Lines

2005-09-04, 10:57 PM
It seems that when we are dimensioning, the witness lines go all the way down the element we are dimensioning. For instance, we dimension an interior wall by clicking on it at near the bottom, but the witness lines seems to be going the entire distance that the wall goes even when it spans rooms. I notice this when we go back and make a revision at the top part of the wall. After the revision, there is a few lines showing still, not knowing what they are, but come to find out they are extensions lines. Now we have to move these back down where they belong. What a waste of time!

Anyone else having these problems?

2005-09-05, 12:30 AM
In the element properties of the dimensions, witness lines can be fixed to dimension lines with a witness line length, or else, gapped to the element being dimensioned with a defined gap length. ( The latter being your case. )

If you select an element that is not in the same plane as other elements being dimensioned, the witness line distances will differ. You may want to consider using the " fixed to dimension line" alternative ?

2005-09-05, 03:04 PM
In the element properties of the dimensions, witness lines can be fixed to dimension lines with a witness line length, or else, gapped to the element being dimensioned with a defined gap length. ( The latter being your case. )

If you select an element that is not in the same plane as other elements being dimensioned, the witness line distances will differ. You may want to consider using the " fixed to dimension line" alternative ?

Where this occurs the most is when we are doing interior dimensions of an exterior wall within a room. The witness line goes all the way to the end of the wall which may be several rooms down.