View Full Version : Unable to explode imported DWG

Brian F.
2005-09-06, 10:08 PM
I've imported a DWG image from an old project that I want to edit but get a warning that says the image can't be exploded because there are over 10,000 elements. I only need a small portion of the drawing but don't have Autocad to open up the original and remove what I don't need. Is there a way around this warning in Revit?

2005-09-06, 10:15 PM
When you import, de-select certain layers that you wouldn't need, that may help you unless the stuff you're wanting is on the 'bad layer'.

2005-09-07, 09:47 AM
Get rid of all your hatches etc as well. These will cause major problems, particlarly sand hatches etc. Each hatch will cause a major issue when trying to explode.

I really do question the wisdom of importing ay drawing of this sort of size into Revit and exploding it. There are a number of posts on these forums relating specifically to the issue of exploding AutoCAD drawings into Revit detail lines and all i can say from experience is DO NOT DO IT. (unless they are details etc - but these usually do not generate these sorts of prolems. I am guessing this is a complete floor plan or something)

Revit is NOT a 2d drafting tool by any means. Not to say that it isn;t better at acheiving the same results as ACAD. In fact its a hell of a lot better as a 2D drafting tool once you get the hang of it. But do not under any circumstances rely on detail linework to produce documents.

There should be absolutely no reason to explode an old AutoCAD file that is hitting in on 10000 lines. Keep it linked or have a good hard look at why you need to do this. We keep REVIT Series in the office for the very reason that we may need to do some minor amendments to old ACAD files and if this is the case, better off using ACAD.

2005-09-07, 04:13 PM
When I have run into that problem I have gotten around it by doing a Partial Explode rather than a full explode. Then you can get rid of parts you don't need and explode further if necessary.