View Full Version : Non orthogonal core dimensioning - again

2005-09-06, 10:42 PM
Please tell me it is fixed ... .... .... I can't get it to work. What's the point of showing exterior hatch patterns ... bla ... bla ... bla ... . Beyond comprehension. Such a simple chore - what an ordeal.

2005-09-06, 10:54 PM
Please tell me it is fixed ... .... .... I can't get it to work. What's the point of showing exterior hatch patterns ... bla ... bla ... bla ... . Beyond comprehension. Such a simple chore - what an ordeal.

We all wish!

2005-09-07, 03:35 PM
It's not fixed Dick, and I hope this issue is never reduced to a wishlist item (although it appears so), because it is actually a failing at the basic level to perform an ordinary task. If looked at without jaded eyes, it could be said this lack of control is an invitation to disaster, esp. in the hands of the unknowing.

I had to abandon using anything but single core wall types on many of my most challenging projects because of this. It literally cripples that ability. Whatever the problem is, it needs to be dealt with.

Please help Factory so we can use this program as intended.

2005-09-07, 07:27 PM

You hit it on the head. I have contemplated using the same strategy - using a single item wall - so dimensioning is not such a pain. But what good is the remainder of the program if one has to revert to this sort of action. Reminds me a lot of ADT - 2.5d. Yes this needs immediate attention - I wonder why it has not been resolved yet - a patch would be wonderful however I am not holding my breath.


2005-09-07, 07:32 PM
Everyone should submit a support request and someone bring up this topic every freaking week. This is extremely basic functionality and must be fixed immediately....I think i brought this up in 7, now 2 releases later nothing and not even a comment from the factory....why the %$# is this so hard to implement?

2005-09-07, 07:32 PM

You hit it on the head. I have contemplated using the same strategy - using a single item wall - so dimensioning is not such a pain. But what good is the remainder of the program if one has to revert to this sort of action. Reminds me a lot of ADT - 2.5d. Yes this needs immediate attention - I wonder why it has not been resolved yet - a patch would be wonderful however I am not holding my breath.


I know they are working on it, but they have in the past asked for more information. Send support a request - hand sketched or done in another program of the condition and how you would like it dimensioned. Otherwise, it will never get fixed.

2005-09-07, 08:38 PM

In pre-Autodesk days I believe Revit had Architects on staff. This is not a complex issue surely they see the issue without having to be lead by the hand. I would assume the Factory knows what is lacking - attention.


2005-09-08, 02:35 PM
Hey Bruce,

Factory is explicitly aware of what the problem is; during the last release cycle I (among others) sent them a fine example of a home with lots of angled walls, and I received the ubiquitous "were aware and working on it" email. It just need to be fixed, ASAP.

More on this when time permits. Gotta meeting, ciao...