View Full Version : I hate Internal Elevations!!

2005-09-07, 10:22 AM
Okay, I really have read everything i can and tried every variation i can think of, but we are having a huge issue with creating wall elevations inside a room.

It seems for some reason (whatever that is we still haven't figured out) that all of a sudden dropping an internal elevation within a room no longer snaps the view extents to the walls and ceilings as it is supposed to. We have somehow managed to replicate the issue on a number of Projects and cannot seem to find the cause. For some reason at some point all the walls will refuse to snap the view extents of the elevations, however if new walls are created elsehwere after that point it will work.

We thought it was cutting and pasting elements from one Project to another but that doesn't seem to be it, also though linked DWG files might cause tis but also not the case.

We use a lot of internal elevations in a project and re-sizing the extents all the time gets really annoying.

Anyeway was wondering if anyone else has seen this issue and knows anything about it at all?

( on side note was going to post some screenshots but i completely forgot how to d that. Its been a long day and my brain has melted)

2005-09-07, 02:03 PM
any chance these walls were started with mass elements? I found in 8.1 that if a wall was created from a mass element an elevation tag wont find it.

2005-09-08, 08:49 AM
Nope thought of that one too. No these are all from scratch. If it was only one Project it happened on then i would probably not be as annoyed but so far its a number of them and its really very annoying.

The problem is we just never notice the point in which it happens by the time we go to start setting up the internal wall elevations its screwey.

The weird thing is i have mentioned this a number of times to other users and no one seems to have had the same issue but we are getting it fairly regularly. Just can't figure it out.

Although in writing this i just had a thought that maybe it is a buggy template. If its a rare issue like it seems to be then maybe we just got lucky and managed to create the issue in the template file :(

Shaun v Rooyen
2005-09-08, 08:58 AM
Rod, I would go with the "buggy template" thing. Tried 100 rooms here in a 100 new projects and I get cropped! Can't help you 'cause can't duplicate the problem.
Mabey post your rte. let's have a look.

2005-09-08, 09:07 AM
Hehe. File is 15MB. But i think i will clean it out to just a couple of walls to see if anyone else has any bright ideas.

I am definitely leaning towards template though as our template was based on the first job i ever did and has been amended many times since but is still the original file. Hell that was back from 5 to actually and is still the base file.

2005-09-08, 09:26 AM

I have attached a copy of one of the files. Deleted everything bar the walls. If you play with this you will notice any new walls you place in the file and then place an elev tag into will crop fine. However try with any of the existing walls and it won;t crop.

To make this even more interesting. I just noticed that the file was saving as a .rte file and not a .rvt when i did a "save as". The more i think about it the more i realise i think that all the issues involved seem to relate to Project created by the same person. I'm going to have to check at work tommorrow at the other jobs but it appears at least with this project they are working on a template file andnot a project file. Never noticed tha before.

Oh well can't upload a .rte file

2005-09-08, 09:31 AM
Well thanks zed. The simple "please post file" actually i think nailed the issue. Cutting and pasting into an actual .rvt file can't recreate the problem. Think this must be an issue generated by working in a template file.

Cutting and pasting back into the template file also worked again so am guessing somewhere along the lines the template file generates the bug. I think this issue is getting back to the very first step in setting up a new Project.

I will attempt to have a long talking to the staff member who appears to be working in template files somehow. ( Of course i will be very careful about how i put it as she also happens to be my wife :) )

2005-09-08, 09:48 AM
Hmm forget the previous posts. Same issue with a .rvt file. As you can see any elevations placed within the existing walls won't crop. If new walls are placed they will crop.

I'm stumped but guessing the root cause may be the template file though.

Shaun v Rooyen
2005-09-08, 10:33 AM
Rod thanks! Took your file into my template file in R8.0 and placed extra elevations, got completely different results to the extra elevations I placed in your file. Just Bizzare.
However then took it into R8.1, and it all worked just fine.

2005-09-11, 03:26 AM
Hmm might see how it pans out in 8.1. But you are right the whole issue is really weird. Though i have been thinking of starting the old template file from scratch anyway so i guess this is just the excuse. :)

2005-09-13, 02:48 AM
Well just received our 8.1 upgrades and it fixed the issue. Yay!!

Shaun v Rooyen
2005-09-13, 09:52 AM
Glad to hear you came right Rod!