View Full Version : Australian Revit Conference

2005-09-08, 07:13 AM
A mate sent me this info on upcoming first National Revit Conference (thanks Michael / BDANSW) in late October this year (28th and 29th plus some extras either side). The attached brochure sets out the details of the conference.

:( Sadly for me it clashes with BDASA's (http://www.bdasa.com.au) Design Awards, me being a finalist 'n' all

Hope you have a successful conference, wish I could be there...

David J Krope
2005-09-08, 06:12 PM
I will be in Australia at the end of October visiting my wife's family. I have on a previous visit stayed at the Hydro-Majestic, very nice. Maybe I can make the meeting as the Chicago contingent. Thanks for letting me know.

Mr Spot
2005-09-08, 09:57 PM
Do we know who's running the classes?

2005-09-09, 01:07 AM
Do we know who's running the classes?

may I suggest you contact Wesley - his details are in the pdf brochure

2005-09-09, 01:16 AM
Well I certainly do!!!
I am the chair of the Sydney Revit User Group (running for nearly 2.5 years now), so I have been setting this thing up. AMAZING how much time it takes!

Chris - give me a call....

I have brought in speakers from various companies who are experienced in the relevant topics - that info will be posted out in a couple of weeks.

We have Martin Taurer, Revit Product Manager Asia/Pacific, coming in from Tokyo to talk about future directions, etc

Gary Raynor, head of National Store Planning for Woolworths (equiv. to Giant Foods for most of you, NOT Woolworths variety stores) will be giving a talk on planning, implementation, and rollout issues in large organizations.

For anyone who is interested, please give me a call or send me an email:
(011-61-2) 9929-4200


2005-09-12, 10:06 AM
By the way - here is a slightly updated version of the brochure...

Exar Kun
2005-10-30, 11:38 PM
Just like to say thanks (once again) to Wes and all others who helped out for organising the National Conference. It was a huge success as far as I'm concerned. Left me with lots to think about and take back to the office.

Oh, and the open bar each night was nice too... ;)

Michael Dunn

2005-10-31, 02:01 AM
Thank you.
I slept for 15 hours last night!

I think the conference went very well, with alot of people asking about the next event (how about go-karts instead?), and intending to bring more of their offices with them.

I will be writing up a review at some stage soon, and will drop a copy to Jim.


2005-10-31, 03:58 AM
It was a wonderful experience to attend the conference.I got the answers to a lot of questions that i had regarding using revit in various stages of our work.It was good to know what kind of revit work people are doing in the industry .good chance to find out that we are heading in the right direction.
thanks a lot to the organisers for making it a big success.

Adam Mac
2005-10-31, 09:49 PM
Would loved to have gone however work and distance were against it! There's two of us up here in the Territory that will be aiming for next year's....?

2005-11-01, 02:01 PM
You know - if you let CADMama know about these things I can put them on the AUGI Event Calendar (http://www.augi.com/home/default.asp?page=30). You don't have to keep it all to yourselfs over here in the Revit Community. Anything like this I would love to know about as soon as I can so I can post it.

2005-11-01, 08:19 PM
What a great conference!
Thanks to Wes and everyone who put so much effort into it.

The whole weekend was superbly organized, presented and documented. I have come back with so much more to deliver in my training sessions in-house that I've got to increase the number of times I have to deliver them drastically.
8.1 roll-out - by the end of the week... hopefully!
Great networking opportunity as well, there were plenty from NZ so we could compare notes - kept forgetting I had business cards though, so if any of you want to get in touch, please do.
Will definitely go back next year, and I'm being encouraged to attend the Sydney User Groups meetings occasionally.

Great job Wes



David J Krope
2005-11-01, 09:55 PM
I also thought the conference went very well. Wes, Adrian, Omar and all the speakers did a great job. Also thanks to David Conant for making the long trip. And a big thanks for everyone wishing me a happy birthday. Go White Sox!!

2005-11-02, 06:40 AM

That's what happens when you make it up as you go along! I'll make sure to get the info out to you and others next time. I only decided we really ought to do this 4 months ago, and none of us have any event planning experience (so if we looked a little red in the face at the event, it wasn't the grog, we were all holding our breath (or is that blue? Ah well...) !).

Thank you to everyone for your kind words.

2005-11-02, 03:15 PM

That's what happens when you make it up as you go along! I'll make sure to get the info out to you and others next time. I only decided we really ought to do this 4 months ago, and none of us have any event planning experience (so if we looked a little red in the face at the event, it wasn't the grog, we were all holding our breath (or is that blue? Ah well...) !).

Thank you to everyone for your kind words.
Well - it sounds like a good time was had by all.
I can put you in touch with folks that might be able to help you next time.
Anytime you get something like this that could be of interest to AUGI members - even if you just find out about something - send it to me and I can see what I can do about getting the word out and getting it put on the AUGI calendar.
That is the least I can do.
Start planning your event now if it is going to be an annual one. Have fun,

2005-11-02, 11:06 PM
We are already thinking about aspects of the next one. I presume you will be at AU? I'll hit you up for some of your thoughts there.


2005-11-02, 11:18 PM
We are already thinking about aspects of the next one. I presume you will be at AU? I'll hit you up for some of your thoughts there.

Me? at AU???
well ~major southern accent on~ But of course dear - I would love to talk to you about this~major southern accent off~