View Full Version : Walls Disappearing

Chirag Mistry
2005-09-08, 03:07 PM
I have couple of walls on my plans that have started to disappear (see example in attached images) The plan taken is on level 2 and the walls go from level -1 to level-3...The walls are there since room tags are enclosed and familes hosted by the walls are present, but for some reason cant see them or wont print...if I hover my mouse over it I see it...I have checked visibilty, checked if they were made invisible...everything looks fine to me...checked the 3D view..does'nt show the wall..

This is very frustrating and has sent me to REVIT stage - 4 (WTF ??) any help is greatly appreciated....thanks

Wes Macaulay
2005-09-08, 03:20 PM
Without seeing the file -- it sounds like a problem. I've never seen something like that where an object is invisible in display and printing and yet still appears to exist / host objects.

It's possible that there is a sketch in the wall -- click the wall and see if the "Remove Sketch" button appears; if so, click it to get the basic wall back as defined by its default width and height.

If the file is too large to post you could dump it on our FTP server so I could have a look at it.

E-mail me at wm@pat.ca for login info if you want. Otherwise start a support request at the subscription center.

Chirag Mistry
2005-09-08, 03:29 PM
Thanks wes...

Sketching would also be a problem...i guess...
Just found the real problem...the wall top was attached to level-2...what threw me off was the properties telling me that the wall goes to level-3..so, just detaching it worked...something to remember...never attach
