View Full Version : Non-Ortho Reveal

2005-09-08, 06:02 PM
Okay, I did a search first (don't want to set anyone off), and came up short on 'reveal vertical", so here's my question:

How to make a non-ortho reveal?


The Captain

2005-09-08, 06:08 PM
...Okay, I did a search first (don't want to set anyone off)...phew, it doesn't take much to set me off... :smile:

...How to make a non-ortho reveal?...By ortho do you mean not horizontal? Check the options bar, there is an option to do vertical or horizontal. (see image)

If not and you mean wavy or angled...then you need to either make an In-Place family using a void to cut the wall or a regular wall hosted family that uses a void to cut the wall.

2005-09-08, 06:12 PM
What I really want is reveals at an angle that I specify.like the cut limestone blocks in an arched entryway.


2005-09-08, 06:18 PM
I added a comment to the previous post since you replied.

I also did a quick search mister...and found THIS THREAD. (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=13745&highlight=Reveal) I thought you said you searched? :-P Guess you would've needed to know to search for Bossage, haha. Actually I searched for just "Reveal" and member "sbrown" since I remembered the thread so I had "help" if you can call my memory help! Hope this helps?

2005-09-08, 06:23 PM
Thanks for calling me mister - that's the most respect I've had in a long time....

The 'oblique' tip helps somewhat. I guess I was hoping there was a quick way within the program to make the reveal nonorthogonal.

The void techinque is a bit intense, but probably worth it in some instances.

Thanks again