View Full Version : Justification of text not shown when selected

2005-09-08, 11:38 PM
On version 8 and before when you selected a text object, the button of its justification used to be shown as if it was pressed down, on version 8.1 it doesn't show it, please make it work again.

Matt Brennan
2005-09-09, 03:44 PM
Your Right! Autodesk, please fix this.

2005-09-11, 04:04 PM
Can anyone from the factory simply explain why ?

2005-09-11, 05:52 PM
This is so scary - I am starting to see similar posts on this and other topics. My Revit or ADT decision (by January1, 2006) is partly based on the hopes that the sloppy ADT releases and poorly QC'd function and content (I am dreading the ADT 2006 migration) and the culture that allows this will not permeate into Revit development. Please, please, "Say it ain't so, Joe!"


2005-09-21, 11:31 PM

Build Number: 20050914_0100

Just installed it, still not working as it used to.

2005-11-03, 05:15 PM

Build Number: 20051017_2000

Just installed it, still not working as it used to.

2005-11-03, 05:25 PM
With 3000 Chinese doing QA/QC, you think they would catch stuff like this....

Matt Brennan
2005-11-03, 05:25 PM
20050804_0100 doesn’t work either…