View Full Version : Phasing graphic overrides

2005-09-09, 12:35 AM
Has anyone come across this scenario:
I have columns in the existing phase that are exactly (no difference whatsoever) alike. In the proposed phase, I've used graphic overrides to show existing in grey. BUT... only some of the columns come up grey and the others show as new. I have checked that they are on the right phase, etc.

Anything I can do in future to make sure this doesn't happen? At the moment the only thing I can think of doing to fix this is to copy and paste the non-recalcitrant columns.

2005-09-09, 03:11 PM
it sounds like you have made accidentally a copy of the column in each in phase i.e. the proposed column hiding the grey of the existing columns?

2005-09-09, 04:19 PM
Are these columns (Modeling Tab) or structural columns (Structural Tab)? If they are columns (Modeling Tab) They are Architectural columns and take on the properties of any wall that touches them including, in some random cases it seems, the visibility overrides of phasing. I haven't found a good work around for this one to be honest. The way I deal with it may be a farce of logic but is true in reality. I use structural columns (to my best estimation) and put architectural columns around them with the understanding that a new wall is impacting the architectural column and therefore it is new construction.

If you don't have any walls that are touching/adjoining your columns I would check to make sure they are all the same height. They may be visible but not cut which would change what visibility settings are used for display.

2005-09-10, 03:24 PM
Hey there,
As Aaron pointed out, Architectural columns are tied to walls. Sometime, you can simply use the 'DISJOIN' tool to separate the column and make them show as you want.
Good luck

2005-09-12, 01:06 AM
Kirky: Checked that the columns aren't copies on top of another existing. So that wasn't it.

Aaron & Steven: Thanks for that info. Doesn't apply, unfortunately... the columns are structural. I did find, however, that the columns that didn't show as grey were stand-alone columns rather than columns attached to walls.

Here's a similar problem. I've got all my concrete columns showing as grey, but my existing timber columns show as grey outline with white fill (instead of grey). I've opened up both families to see the difference and can't spot anything different besides the fact that the material is timber rather than concrete. grr!