View Full Version : 2 arches meeting at a corner column

2005-09-10, 06:43 PM
there does not appear to be a template for corner conditions, for example, I have a exterior loggia made of a series of arches & columns, I cannot find a convenient way to deal with the corner condition where there is an column at the corner and an arch on either side supported by the column, I seem to remember a solution for a mitered glasss window, any ideas on how to best model this condition? The only way I have come up with is to make a seperate arch on each side the make a void at the corner then put in a column in the void. there has to be a way to do this as one family.

2005-09-12, 12:23 AM
I do it as you suggest, I use a wall based opening family that has flat extensions on each side of the arch to recieve the columns, I assume you could make it as a corner window family too, then just change the family type. The trim on the corner doesn't clean up very well so I have to use some invisible linework to finish it off.

2005-09-12, 03:17 AM
I don't see a corner window family in Revit, is there a template for this?

2005-09-12, 07:35 AM
I do it just like you and Scott.
I tried to create a 1 corner Rfa containing the column, and windows to place in a corner.
So far it worked ...all I did was nesting a column and both window frames in a wall based Generic Model template cutting both walls at once.