View Full Version : Stair rails not following stair...

Adam Mac
2005-09-12, 01:41 AM
Hi all -

I've had this happen twice now in a matter of days and am wondering what the answer is:
i start with a normal stair (nothing unusual) with railing attached. I then edit the rail and find that the rail is now horizontal based at the lower level. I can't seem to get it back to where it should be i.e. following the slope of the stair!

Any (nice...) suggestions appreciated.


Phil Read
2005-09-12, 02:00 AM
Two basic rules:

1) The railing sketch must fall on the sketch of the stair.
2) The railing must be "hosted" by the stair.

All the best!


Adam Mac
2005-09-12, 02:56 AM
Thanks Phil -

it looked in plan view as though the railing was within the stair outline - but i moved it in
further still and that's fixed the problem.

Thanks for your help.