View Full Version : Render bug

2005-09-13, 04:50 PM
I think this is a bug. If you click the "Go" button for raytrace, and get a notice to save file (it's been 30 minutes since your last save, do you want to save now?) If you say YES or NO, it still doesn't start the rendering. In any other circumstance that i know of, whatever command you started before getting the message is completed after you click no, or Yes and the save completes.

A related topic - the GO ! button to start a rendering gives no feedback that it has been clicked. this can be frustrating, especially when large renderings of complex files give no indication that anything is happening after the button is clicked (sometimes not even CPU meter registers it) for several minutes.

Tom Dorner
2005-09-13, 06:03 PM
Another problem I have with 8.1 is you hit the go button and Revit simply goes bye bye. No warning at it, it just closes and you lose any unsaved work.


2005-09-13, 06:16 PM
A related topic - the GO ! button to start a rendering gives no feedback that it has been clicked. this can be frustrating, especially when large renderings of complex files give no indication that anything is happening after the button is clicked (sometimes not even CPU meter registers it) for several minutes.
I've also noticed this bug. It just say's "Ready" in the status.