View Full Version : Messed up mullion joins....

2005-09-13, 11:07 PM
Anyone else getting messed up mullion corner joins in 8.1? I don't recall this happening in past versions. Example if just using the basic curtain wall 1 from the default template.

Mr Spot
2005-09-14, 04:38 AM
I've also noticed this...

Shaun v Rooyen
2005-09-14, 07:34 AM
Aaron, Well spotted. I went back as far as R6.0. All Versions except 8.1, clean up the corner mullion. Seems with adding all the new features for mullion joins, the factory left out the simple stuff.

2005-09-14, 11:56 AM
I've got support looking at it. It looks like there are a whole host of other issues with curtain wall geometry at corners fo curtain walls.

2005-11-01, 01:50 AM
OK, so rather than get myself in a huge mess with my users who will be even newer than I am, what's the best temporary solution? I am not even certain I understand the problem since I do not know what it was supposed to do in earlier versions.

I can make it look correct without the extraneous lines but I originally did it with a curtain wall that did not have Border 1 and 2 horizontal and vertical mullions. I added them after the fact. Then, by selecting the individual mullions and using the little Toggle Mullion Join, I made it look OK. Can also do this when there are specific border mullions but I only discovered this after tinkering a little.

Might this be a problem in some way I do not understand? Are there instances where I cannot do this? How is this supposed to work? I can get the entire top corner continuous as in the right clip image - I am supposed to be able to do that or did I create this because I stumbled on something I only found because I did not use earlier versions?

Thanks for your patience. One of my big reasons for pushing a migration from ADT to Revit is curtain walls. So this, I better get correct.


Paul Monsef
2005-11-01, 05:01 PM
Anyone else getting messed up mullion corner joins in 8.1? I don't recall this happening in past versions. Example if just using the basic curtain wall 1 from the default template.
It's not just an 8.1 problem; I have seen this behaviour in past versions (I think back to 6.1).