View Full Version : Mirroring Linked Files doesnt work

Alex Page
2005-09-14, 03:32 AM
Had no problem with the concept of mirroring plans for semi-detached houses etc.
I started doing it by linking the 'master' model into another file (say, the 'double mirrored one' and mirroing it, therefore updateing the 'master' would update my mirrored version
...but alas! some problems ocurred, some obvious when I think of it, some just downright wrong
Obvious things:
1. All annotations dont come through with the linked file (like room tags)
2. Cant create room tags in the 'double mirrored; plan since they dont work with linked files, therefore all my roomnames etc are 'dumb'

Downright wrong things:
1. Have a look at jpegs, the house on the right is a mirrored version of the linked house on the left....sections dont work with linked files :banghead:

Alex Page
2005-09-14, 07:56 PM
has this happened to anyone else, or are my files corrupted?

2005-09-15, 01:44 AM

Nope, you're not seeing things. This has been on my personal Wishlist for a while - Intelligent Linked .rvt drawings. Because the Text items are View-based, they don't come across with the model information. Because the model is linked, there isn't a way to pass on information from the linked file to the Tag.

Not quite sure what is going on with your section, but I can see your point. There are some really strange things going on. Are you using 8.1 or an earlier version? Is this only in this section or all sections (like one running through the stairs)? You've checked your section box? Your section view extents? It looks like your floor moved too or is that a visual problem too?


Had no problem with the concept of mirroring plans for semi-detached houses etc.
I started doing it by linking the 'master' model into another file (say, the 'double mirrored one' and mirroing it, therefore updateing the 'master' would update my mirrored version
...but alas! some problems ocurred, some obvious when I think of it, some just downright wrong
Obvious things:
1. All annotations dont come through with the linked file (like room tags)
2. Cant create room tags in the 'double mirrored; plan since they dont work with linked files, therefore all my roomnames etc are 'dumb'

Downright wrong things:
1. Have a look at jpegs, the house on the right is a mirrored version of the linked house on the left....sections dont work with linked files :banghead:

Alex Page
2005-09-15, 02:01 AM
Using 8.0
Section is very simple so all differences between left and right are visual only - Of course, there are some things which need tidying up on the left one, but the right one sould be an exact mirror of it!
Happens randomly on all sections...

2005-09-15, 02:03 AM
I had problems with my section too. My solution to the problem was to exported the file as a dwg file and mirrored it in autocad and then imported back into my revit file. I had to do this because it was highrise building and the file was too large and it took forever to mirror the building in the host file. For some reason when you cut a section thru a link file thing just go screwy.

Martin P
2005-09-15, 01:09 PM
I use linked files too for semi detatched and handed housing, I use detail groups for all the detail items (text etc) and mirror those. - these have to be done in the file where the the models are linked into, as linked files carry no detail data. Which frankly is an enormous PITA for those of us doing handed buildings, as groups are not easy to work with and take to much messing about with to simply add to or edit them (why cant I draw a flipping line in edit group mode!!!!!)

this whole subject has been pointed out and requested many times... And now you tell me the the work around I use to do semis or handed buildings doesnt work either!!! (sections arent working in links)

The ability to link and mirror VIEWS from a file would be extremely useful for this type of building, maybe it seems a bit too close to xrefs? personally I dont care - xrefs are not a difficult concept and they are extremely useful.

The ability to work in edit group mode jusrt seems incredible that I cant do this already - I can copy a line, but I cant draw one?? has been requested since at least R6.0

Revit needs the ability to link views for many reasons - detail libraries for a kick off !! Have asked for this a few times too. To be honest I have pretty much given up bothering with the wishlist and service requests though.....

Sorry to rant a little but it really bugs me that there is still no sign at all of this subject being given attention despite coming up over and over again in different forms..

Alex Page
2005-09-15, 07:43 PM
Im frustrated as well....are the Revit developers saying you cant have semi-detached houses without having to draw everything twice...come on!

2005-11-17, 01:16 AM
I had the same problem. There is any response from Autodesk about this problem.

2005-11-17, 12:58 PM
It would be good if the mirroring of units for semi detached and row housing through both linking and the use of groups were more intuitive and effective.
Martin outlines the approach we also take to deal with this. The majority of our projects are row houses. We've used Revit on them successfully even before the option to link was available.
Our approach tries to avoid groups and we do draw twice but only in the sense that we mirror the required elements of the building as needed for the deliverables we need. For example we do NOT draw mirrored internal electrical furniture, kitchen, bathroom layouts. The information is clearly marked "Handed as unit 1" for example.
We build up the model only mirroring those that are necessary.

2005-11-17, 02:30 PM
I sent this into support and they told me to build mirrored versions of the model until they get it fixed. It wasn't quite the answer I had hoped for.