View Full Version : View bug...

2005-09-14, 12:24 PM
I have two views. One is set to architectural. The other is set to structural. I draw a section in the architectural view. As expected, the symbol doesn't display in the structural view. However, if the section view is changed to structural, it remains in the architectural view and doesn't display in the structural view. If the file is saved and re-opened, the section marker now shows only in the section view.

If I do the same with a floor plan callout, I get similar results. However, when the file is saved and re-opened the callout marker is gone from architectural, but doesn't display in structural. The same goes for a detail callout. If they are changed back to architectural from the project browser, the file must be closed and re-opened for them to show up again.

Elevation symbols don't seem to suffer these display issues and update as expected.

2005-09-14, 05:04 PM
I ran into some similar problems when I was working on a series of details that were borderline "structural" vs. "architectural" details. When I changed from one discipline to another, I remember some flaky behaviour. I'm glad you documented the specifics, so the factory workers can follow up.

Did you submit as a support ticket?

-- follow-up:

When I looked back through my support tickets, I found a phone-based support issue I logged back in May '05 on this type of behaviour, and looking at the support log now, there is very little or no info as to the answer, or even documentation of the problems I described to them. They just dismissed my problem as being an issue of structural sections not showing up on architectural plans and vice versa -- not an irreversable condition like you describe.

In fact, they completely dropped the ball on that support ticket, and closed the book without even so much as an explanantion or a survey!