View Full Version : Furniture Scheduling

2005-09-14, 03:32 PM
I have a building that has multiple restaurants and function areas. I need to figure out a way to get a seat count in each restaurant. I've had 2 ideas both have problems.

First created a shared parameter for location and select all the furniture in that room and assign its location. This would work well except for the fact that the furniture is currently in nice little groups of a table and 4 chairs, or a table and 2 chairs. etc. So I'd have to un group all my groups and create new groups for each space(might not be too bad).

Second instead of using groups, use shared families, - so I created a new shared family with a table and 2 chairs- called 2 seater. It schedules properly with its location, however the chairs and tables in the shared family don't take on the location parameter of the family so I end up with a schedule that shows the number of 2 seaters and their location, and all the individual chairs and tables are scheduled too so I have 2 times the number of chairs and tables I actually have.

Any ideas?

2005-09-14, 03:43 PM
Both would work. Shared families might be the more elegant long tern solution.

2005-09-14, 03:58 PM
If I do the shared family method then I will need to create many additional families as well as a schedule that has a calculated value to get the seat count, since the schedule will only tell me the number of each family, not the number of seats in each family(that is reported but separately).

Shaun v Rooyen
2005-09-14, 08:07 PM
Scott. I dont see your problem. Just Schedule The furniture and add Room Name Room No, or even department. But then mabey I could be missing the whole point. Late Here

2005-09-14, 08:48 PM
Thats the answer, thanks ZEDS, thats a new feature(not so new) I missed. Works awesome!!!!

I had no idea furniture knew what room it was in.

2005-09-14, 09:01 PM
Zeds you nailed the solution on the head. One thing that I tried was adding a shared parameter (I called it Restaurant Name) in case your restaurant had several rooms or wanted to include some of the adjacent spaces (bar or kitchen) in the schedule. I then ran the schedule and found that the parameter Room: Restaurant Name was, indeed, in my rooms list and worked!!!

2006-01-21, 04:13 PM
I have been trying get my furniture to schedule it's room name and number for the last few hours. What am I missing? I have have my schedule setup as indicated in the previous posts but can't get the room name and number to fill in on the furniture schedule.

Help please!

2006-01-22, 02:20 AM
In the lower left corner of the fields dialog box, is a pulldown menu that lets you select room info.

2006-01-22, 04:11 AM

I already have the room fields in my schedule - the problem is that those fields are never filled in on the furniture schedule. How do I get the furniture schedule to fill in the room fields of the schedule?


2006-01-22, 07:42 AM
I already have the room fields in my schedule - the problem is that those fields are never filled in on the furniture schedule. How do I get the furniture schedule to fill in the room fields of the schedule?Hi!
You are probably missing something.
Try this: in your furniture schedule open Element properties>Fields for edit. Then (see picture) select Room from drop-down called Select available fields from, and from Available fields above select to add Room name or what you need in the schedule.

2006-01-22, 06:04 PM
That's exactly what I've done but the schedule doesn't fill in the room name and number. See attachments...

Mike Hardy-Brown
2006-01-22, 07:16 PM

Sometimes it's the smallest of things that throw us...
Just a question (Please don't shout if it done...;)) Have you got closed room bounding tags, and are they named?

2006-01-22, 07:38 PM
Yes, all the rooms are tagged, named and numbered. Is it something I need to do within the furniture families?

Thanks for the help!

2006-01-22, 10:16 PM
looks like you have the schedule right, so i don't really have any ideas. If it was my file, I would load a new piece of furniture(make sure its a furniture family, and you have a furniture schedule). then make a small room and place it in it. If it doesn't report, send it in.

2006-01-22, 10:17 PM
also check all the phase settings of the furniture, rooms and schedule. if the rooms are in a latter phase, then that could be your problem.

2006-01-22, 11:30 PM
I already have the room fields in my schedule - the problem is that those fields are never filled in on the furniture schedule.


If you added the "Room name and number" fields by "add parameter " option they will stay empty until you manually add the room name and number in each furniture family instance properties. You have to add the room name and number fields by using the "select available fields from " option (lower left corner on Schedule properties/fields) as Nole told you, then the furniture automatically know were they´re situated.

2006-01-23, 01:42 AM
The problem is most likely the phase of the schedule. When you create a schedule Revit defaults to the latest phase. If you look at the commercial template you'll find that there are three phases, Existing, New Construction and Project Completion. Room tags are phase specific. Tagging a room in a view assigned to New Construction means that room won't show up in a schedule assigned to Project Completion. The furniture will but the room won't because of its phase.

Just change the phase of the schedule to match the phase the rooms are part of.

2006-01-23, 02:34 AM
Thanks Scott & Steve!!!

It was indeed the phase of the schedule. I assumed that the phase Project Completion would show everything. I switched the Phase of the schedule to New Construction and like magic the room names and numbers filled in on the schedule!

Thanks again for your help!