View Full Version : WOW!! detail sweep families are possible

Martin P
2003-05-20, 01:28 PM
OH!! I just found the display only when cut for detail components in a family....
I am a fool, ignore my other post moaning about families!! :oops:

This is VERY clever stuff 8) with detail components in a family Revit automatically flips the detail components in sections if you flip the section in your model, I have just done a window with the lintol, framing etc all detailed - set it display only when cut, and now when I section through a window, it displays all the detail automatically - I can think of endless ways to make use of this it is excellent!!

I am going to experiment with creating "detail sweeps" if I use the beam families to draw lines on a duplicated plan, and have the sections show only detail components and nothing else in the family - for example wall plates, foundation details, floor to wall connection etc if it works the applications for this are unlimited!! 8) 8) :shock: :shock:

2003-05-20, 01:31 PM
Can you post your posh window, please?

Martin P
2003-05-20, 02:15 PM
Can you post your posh window, please?

you have GOT to try this detail sweep thing - it is EXCELLENT!!

Here it is, I have posted my very first attempt at a detail sweep created from a beam family, it is just done, so is not perfected yet - I am going to make types etc for it. (to place it you must do it as a beam on plan) - it is a very simple attempt - I trace around the edge of a first floor with it, and it adds the detail of the connection to and sections that hit the line!!!! yeehaaaarrr!!! AND if you flip the section, it flips the detail... this is really going to open up revit form me anyway....

Martin P
2003-05-20, 02:22 PM
here is a VERY early attempt at a detail sweep from a beam family - this NEEDS its own family type in revit 6.0 - as this might mess about with other beams, and kepps trying to make walls loadbearing, BUT it is going save loads and loads of time spent plopping detail onto sections!!!

Phil Palmer
2003-05-21, 01:15 PM

This is VERY handy as you mention. I was unaware that you could have symbolic lines and detail comps. that ONLY appear in section.
I always thought that REVIT families needed a section view.

The problem now is I would still like to see the use of filled regions when defining a family so I can obscure some of the model graphics.

Theres 2 routes to go with this :-

Detailed components loaded into the family OR drawn Symbolic lines and filles regions within the actual family.
I am still wondering what the best approach would be.

What would be really handy would be a way to placed the detailed components onto the view (in the model) and then SAVE them out to a detailed family created on the fly.

It's sometimes difficult to detail say a window family unless its in 'context' with the actual model.

2003-05-21, 03:49 PM

I needed a simple linework basin today that would hide some geometry below - take a look at this way of doing it.

This is not parametric but you can see that I have just loaded a detail component - the filled region - and then drawn over it with symbolic lines. This way I still have a plumbing fixture so it can appear in my sanitaryware schedule.


Phil Palmer
2003-05-22, 06:48 AM

Thats the ideal way to do it at the moment, but it would make much more sense to me to have the ability directly within the family template to create the filled region.
I would end up getting myself in a mess with naming conventions for the basin and also the filled region detailed component.
Seems daft for such an easy family to have to have 2 families creating a level of file management that we shouldn't have to deal with.

Kevin Janik
2003-05-22, 07:08 PM
I create thick mask lines that are white to mask items out like a wall face or floor face when the element is cut like wall cabinets. I use this so I do not see the wall or floor faces in an interior elevations where cabinets are located.

2005-02-20, 09:17 AM
Hi there Guys

Am I correct in saying that the generic family template does not have "Show Only If Cut" setting for the symbolic lines ?

Am I doing something wrong ?

Many thankj

2005-02-20, 10:00 AM
Sorry I mean it is grayed out

Chad Smith
2005-02-20, 09:25 PM
Absolutely, I love the sweep detail feature. Here (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=11030) are a couple of examples of mine., bottom post.

I only wish we could add text and dimensions to these details so that they are a fully detailed component. Of course, with the option to turn the text and dims off at a per detail level.

2005-02-21, 01:09 AM
Thanks for that but could you confirm that Generic Models dont allow you to do the Symolic Lines "if Cut instance"

2005-02-21, 02:48 AM

2005-02-21, 06:29 AM
I know it would be quite silly of me to ask ...but could u please tell me how did u go about creating this kind of a detail.....somehow i'm not able to make this kind of a detail.....
It shouldbe detail components u loaded in ur family right but i am not able to save the detail as a family.

2005-02-21, 11:06 AM

Any suggestions on which template should I be using to create cabinets which can have detail componets that shown when cut ?

The furniture and generic templates dont have symbolic line activated as far as using show when cut.

many thanks

2005-02-21, 09:17 PM
Yes. Saw this in the new features list and could imagine all kinds of possibilities . Section detail options in window, door & wall families, but no time to play with it yet.

Here is my first wall with plate details in sweep profiles. Faked in a small loop in the profile and added plate detail component, then loaded and positioned sweeps.

Now if there were only an option to have wall regions and sweeps stay aligned with the top & bottom of walls when attached to roof or floor, or profile is edited. Anybody know a trick for that? Wish List item?

2005-02-22, 06:16 AM
I know it would be quite silly of me to ask ...but could u please tell me how did u go about creating this kind of a detail.....somehow i'm not able to make this kind of a detail.....
It shouldbe detail components u loaded in ur family right but i am not able to save the detail as a family.

Use 'Detail Component' family template to create the linework.

2005-02-22, 06:40 AM
Good day.
Thanx Xavier....The kind of detail window which martin made what the procedure to create that kind of a window

2005-07-24, 11:43 AM
I've started playing with detail sweeps but I'm experiencing some weirdness. In particular strange extraneous lines or lines not showing. See attached images. These are from the wall example that JohnASB posted in this thread (I'm not blaming because I've had similar things show up in my own testing).

In general, I want to be able to use a wall family like this with integral sweeps (and possibly stacked walls), a window family that has the rough opening framing and header details show up in section, with the end goal of cutting a building section and have most of my details already placed. The process of running around a building section to find all the plates is driving me crazy, not to mention if I change levels or decide to cut a new section (especially in DD). Ideally I just want to join geometry and then print without any or very little linework. It really seems like this is possible with Revit, or at least it should be.

However, seeing the extraneous lines/dots and lines not showing make me think these sweeps are unstable. Has anyone achieved the goal I'm describing?

2005-07-24, 04:29 PM
Could part of it have to do with your gray filled region?