View Full Version : Rotating lights when placing?

2005-09-14, 07:21 PM
Is it not possible to use the space bar to rotate light fixtures when placing them in a ceiling? If not, anybody know why? It's very time consuming to have to place a light, then rotate it, and then move it into position (thinking about lay-in ceilings and having to snap fixture corners to grids).

Shaun v Rooyen
2005-09-14, 07:56 PM
Doesn't that just **** you off!!. The most annoying thing about doing lighting layouts, is the lights (square or rectangular) dont snap or rotate to anything. I've tried editing the family file, to no avail. Has to go to wish list if not posted already.

2011-11-01, 07:30 PM
I hope you guys figured this one out by now. You need to set the proper reference planes in the family.

Two reference planes should locate the center of the fixture and your exterior planes should be strong references.

2011-11-01, 09:17 PM
I hope you guys figured this one out by now. You need to set the proper reference planes in the family.

That's assuming they made the fixture family. If they downloaded it from the manufacturer, you get what the mfr gives you.....good or bad.

The hard part is attaching the photovoltaics. I've never figured that stuff out, but I'm working on a project that I will eventually want rendered interiors. Hopefully by then there will be some good lighting families available.

2011-11-02, 07:49 PM
You mean the photometric file? I'm a lighting designer, so I deal with that all day long. Let me know if you ever need some tips.

2011-11-02, 08:26 PM
You mean the photometric file? I'm a lighting designer, so I deal with that all day long. Let me know if you ever need some tips.

Sorry, my mistake.

The New York Architecture Registration exam I took had a lighting question. I didn't even try to answer. They gave a parking lot lampost with its photometrics and a parking lot plan. The test was to design the lighting to a set level.

I just went on to the next question......... :-)

2011-11-02, 10:12 PM
I had a conversation about this with someone at the factory a while ago.
Evidently, anything created from any of the "Linear Lighting Fixture...".rft Templates will not let you use the Space Bar to rotate it - upon placement, anyway. For some even weirder reason, you can use Space Bar rotate when you're editing that same fixture later on.

That's about as far as the conversation went, though. I submitted a Support Requests and a Feature Request, but as far as I know, it hasn't changed. To be honest, I haven't tried to make a new Light recently, so it might have gotten fixed, but I'd be surprised.

Just like me, most people have probably just gotten used to it and given up.
I would highly recommend people file Support Requests about this. If Autodesk gets enough complaints, it will eventually bubble up their priority list.

2011-11-03, 05:11 PM
Haha, illuminance (fc or lux) = Candela / distance squared. That's pretty basic, but I understand the inherent confusion.

As for the light fixture turning, I have no problems with this. Which version of Revit are you using? I'm in 2011 and going to 2012, our face based fixtures turn before placement no problem.

They are removing the "Linear Lighting Fixture" templates with just Generic, Ceiling or Face based components that you will have to manually switch to Lighting Fixture through the Family Category and Parameters button. As always, you are best to use a Face based family for your lights instead of a Wall or Ceiling based family. Some people use the Generic family, I find the Face based still has the same advantages (can go onto a plane).

2011-11-03, 10:29 PM
Use Faced Based Lights if your consultants need to Copy them from your RVT. If not, there are some advantages to using Ceiling Based Troffers in ACT Ceilings. For example, your Lights will automatically constrain to the grid. They will also rotate with the grid. Unfortuntaly you cannot swap Face Based for Lights with Ceiling Based. If spacebar not working, just Copy the same Light around once Rotated.

2011-11-04, 04:39 PM
I try to get mfr family files where I can, and I want them to be ceiling hosted if they are truly ceiling lighting.

I downloaded a fixture once that was generic-face hosted. That thing stuck to anything!!!! I had pendant fluorescents sticking out from the wall!

2011-11-04, 05:38 PM
Think: Face based fixtures will still align to the grid and rotate. You just need to have strong reference lines. There are no advantages to ceiling based fixtures.

Mike: You did not click the Place on Face, you probably left it to Place on Vertical Face.