View Full Version : Hatch pattern on sloped object

Clyne Curtis
2005-09-14, 09:48 PM
I have created an in place column family with 3 sides vertical and 1 side slightly angled. The stone ledger hatch pattern works great on the three vertical sides, but rotates 90 degrees on the sloped side. I am not able to rotate the pattern on the sloped side. Any ideas?



Dimitri Harvalias
2005-09-14, 10:29 PM
I've noticed the same issue on a battered wall face.

Can you modify the hatch pattern to make it a model pattern. That might allow you to rotate it.

2005-09-15, 02:52 PM
Try this. Duplicate the pattern. Edit the duplicate version of the pattern and rotate it 90 degrees. Apply the rotated pattern to the face that is having the problem.