View Full Version : FLAT Concrete Tile - Sloped Glazing?

2005-09-19, 02:50 PM
OK, I thought it time for my first real question to put on the board...

We've talked a lot about what to do for concrete barrel tile (spanish, s-curve, etc) and how to get it to look half-way decent through modeling and mapping. I would like to know if anyone has tried to model FLAT concrete tile. I've attempted this weekend and apparently I'm coming close, but running into dead ends. Here's some of my thoughts:

I start with a "normal" roof (4" trussed) and copy it up vertically.
I convert the second roof to a sloped glazing system
I place my horizontal mullion patterns at approx. 16" apart (proper spacing for the tile).
Two thoughts of where to go from here -

1st- I could use a Mullion with a 'tile profile' and place it on the horizontal mulls.

The corners, at the hip roof, finally clean up when the other mulls are placed, however the ends stop abruptly even when the roof extends to an adjoining roof.
The minute I try to place a 'hip tile' mullion, the joins of the 'roof tile' mullions are cast asunder (and look something like a saw tooth blade.

2nd- I could make a new Panel with a tile profile (extrusion or a sweep), locked to the guides in the template.

The intent is to use mulls at the 'hips' and keep the panel as the 'tile'. In theory this would be great.
When I try to use the new panel, replacing the default one provided, I always get an error of 'Can't create panel' - with no real further explanation as to why.

I think this is because of the complex/obtuse angles created with the hips ???
Are panels (non-system based) expecting to always be orthogonal and rectangular in shape?
I have tried creating reference lines on the ends, made a parameter for that angle, and locked the profiles to those - with no luck.

A 'system panel' seems to work just fine, although this is limited to essentially being a "slab" with a thickness. I'm looking at creating that 1" reveal at the lip. If I'm going to have that, I might as well keep the roof as-is.

I noticed under the help file (curtain wall panels, tips) - "You can make non-rectangular curtain wall panels with the system panel type only."

Any thoughts? (Sorry I don't have pictures yet) - I'm under the gun, so I had to blow my roof away and go back to trying to use material maps to get it done... and I can't even get a decent bump (as I would in Max).

This is a prior thread from 2003 - same kind of issues?

Thanks for any assists!

2005-09-22, 08:35 PM
Allllllrighty then. Over 42 reads.... and no one has a clue? an answer? a gentle push over the side of a cliff? LOL. Just wondering if I heard something over the din of the crickets...



2005-09-22, 09:08 PM
Personally, I'm waiting for the answer to this question as well. Sitting, waiting, sitting, waiting...