View Full Version : Can't insert a profile into a wall! Why not?

2005-09-21, 04:07 PM
I was trying to add the btm plate profile family to a wall family so that it would show the btm plate when the wall is cut. The btm plate family was a rectangle with a 2x6 detail component inserted into it. When I tried to insert the profile into the wall, and it worked fine. However when I saved the wall changes (clicked OK), it crashes every time. Do any of you do something similar. I would like to have the btm plates and the top plates of a wood wall show up when the wall is cut by a detail. In the past I have been adding them to the details and it gets old after a while. I know this is possible. It worked for about 5 minutes before it crashed the first time. Ever since then it crashes when I hit OK in the wall structure properties box.

As I write this, it appears that it will only crash when you still have the preview box open. I don't know what is going on. I guess since it is windows based, you have to expect this kind of stuff. I know it has been said before..."We need a Mac version of Revit". It's more stable, has better performance, and Revit is honestly the only reason I still use a PC.

2005-09-21, 05:14 PM
Please post your file, or send it to support.


2005-09-21, 05:15 PM
Ok I take that back. It doesn't matter if I close it or not. It it totaly hit or miss. I have attached a test file that I was trying to place the wall component in. I finaly got the details in the walls but I crashed 5 times trying to do it. I did the same thing each time and on the fifth time it didn't crash. I then modified one of the walls and it crashed. I have attached the file.

Scott D Davis
2005-09-21, 05:49 PM
We need a Mac version of Revit". It's more stable, has better performance, and Revit is honestly the only reason I still use a PC.I read the ArchiCAD forums, and they are constantly complaining about crashes on both PC's and MACs. Getting MAC based Revit is not going solve any problems. IMO, it will create problems because the developers are now debugging for two platforms.

2005-09-21, 06:10 PM
I thought only rock starts used MAC's? In terms of MAC's performing better, from what I can gather this is mostly publicity, although it would be nice having a choice, and would make Revit more competitive in some markets (multi media and film production mainly).

I read the ArchiCAD forums, and they are constantly complaining about crashes on both PC's and MACs. Getting MAC based Revit is not going solve any problems. IMO, it will create problems because the developers are now debugging for two platforms.

2005-09-22, 08:00 PM
I tried, and can not make your file crash. Could it be related to your hardware? Video card?


2005-09-22, 08:03 PM
Thanks for the try. I know Revit is a great program. I don't know why Revit was having problems with this. I purged the file before I posted it so maybe that fixed the problem. Again thanks for all of your help. I really appriciate it.