View Full Version : Revit linework is a pain

2005-09-21, 09:26 PM
I for one have had major problems using linework tool on elevations, often I find that individual lines of families cannot be selected with linework tool and the whole family gets selected then the lines in background show through, and it just becomes an escalating nightmare. This is just unworkable, not to mention the amount of time spent working out lineweights on elevations. There needs to be an automated process for establishing elevation lineweights, this is a major issue here, so major in fact that we will most likely be removing the current project from Revit until this issue is solved. I hope someone at Autodesk is listening.

2005-09-21, 09:33 PM
Yah--maybe this should be moved to a wish list item, although I am sure it's been brought up countless times before.
What I have ended up doing when I need some extra deliniation is to trace over the elevations with lines of various thicknesses, but this is a real pain if a wall or some other element moves.
Revit does a great job in plan and section (for the most part) but elevations still lack a bit I think when it comes to actual drawing conventions for line thicknesses, etc.

2005-09-21, 10:11 PM
Revit Rule #1 <TAB KEY> the you should be able to select various parts of families, unless there is weird stuuf going on.

I for one have had major problems using linework tool on elevations, often I find that individual lines of families cannot be selected with linework tool and the whole family gets selected then the lines in background show through, and it just becomes an escalating nightmare. This is just unworkable, not to mention the amount of time spent working out lineweights on elevations. There needs to be an automated process for establishing elevation lineweights, this is a major issue here, so major in fact that we will most likely be removing the current project from Revit until this issue is solved. I hope someone at Autodesk is listening.

2005-09-21, 10:58 PM
the Tab key does not always do it, believe me

2005-09-21, 11:12 PM
Yah, and it doesn't account for the fact that if you use the linework tool on say, an object that is partially obscured by an object in front of it. If you hit the linework button and change the type of linetype of that one object's edge, the hidden portion of the line (that is obscured by the object in front of it) becomes visible. Sorry if that was confusing, but that's the big problem that I have been having with using the linework tool. For elevations it would be great if it could change the line properties of ONLY what is visible. Then I think we could get somewhere with the linework tool... :) Just my 2 cents.

Allen Lacy
2005-09-22, 01:15 PM
I was dealing with this issue yesterday. I was using linework tool to make footings appear as hidden lines. The problem was that I could see footing on other parts/sides of the building. Then it hit me; why not use the hide isolate tool and select one footing at a time and use the linework tool? May sound a bit tedious, but it works much better than tabbing through all of the wall and footing lines.

Doug Pearson
2005-09-22, 01:30 PM
Don't forget that as you use the linework tool on a line you can adjust the new 'line' with the blue dots- the controls.
So when you see a line suddenly appear from behind a column- say a corner of a building, after you have thickened it up, before you move on gently click on the blue dot and move it up to, say, the top of the column. It's often fiddly and I find you may need to click a few times with 'invisible lines' first to make all the lines disappear. Then click once with the heavy line, then do the gentle ajustment. If you can't imagine what I mean - try it. Should solve most of your problems I think.

help file says
"You can change the style of a portion of an edge; this works for most edges, except cut and silhouette ones.
After you touch a line, blue controls appear at its ends. You can limit the extent of the new style by dragging these controls.
In the picture, one wall is in front of the other, so a hidden line style is applied to the top edge of the wall at the back. "

2005-09-22, 01:31 PM
Have you guys tried using things like Silhouette Edges in Advanced Model Graphics, or changing the lineweights of certain object types in specific views only using Visibility/Graphics? It might save some headache.

2005-09-22, 01:55 PM
What I have ended up doing when I need some extra deliniation is to trace over the elevations with lines of various thicknesses, but this is a real pain if a wall or some other element moves.
Instead of tracing the lines I would suggest that you use the "pick" option with the "lock" check box selected when drawing lines. This will automatically lock the lines to the model. Then, when you move things, the lines will move with them. Its not a perfect solution, but it should eliminate most of the redrawing that you will need to do after making changes.

2005-09-30, 12:12 AM
Why does the silhouette affect the window and door openings? I have to hide every window and then turn off the silhouettes on all the door and window openings (4 per window or door), then unhide all the door and windows. I'm not sure this feature is worth the time it takes to fix all the mistakes it makes. It also highlights both edges of a trim board not just the one at an edge. It also doesn't silhouette the fascias (barge boards)on a gable roof. Another feature that isn't quite ready for prime time.

2005-09-30, 02:17 AM
Another alternative, as you build your family, you apparently know what the pen weights of objects need to be. Simply add an object style, with a model line in the style where you want it. When you insert the family, the line style will be there to control at will. - This works well with various wall based families for me.

2005-09-30, 06:35 AM
That is how it has been forever...elevations?? AutoCad!

I for one have had major problems using linework tool on elevations, often I find that individual lines of families cannot be selected with linework tool and the whole family gets selected then the lines in background show through, and it just becomes an escalating nightmare. This is just unworkable, not to mention the amount of time spent working out lineweights on elevations. There needs to be an automated process for establishing elevation lineweights, this is a major issue here, so major in fact that we will most likely be removing the current project from Revit until this issue is solved. I hope someone at Autodesk is listening.

2005-09-30, 07:33 AM
>.....elevations?? AutoCad!
Love your subtle sense of humour..... :-)