View Full Version : Tagging Key Schedule parameters?

2005-09-23, 12:28 PM

can anybody help? I've made parameters to doors in Key Schedules - is there any way to show them in tags? I found out that those are shown also in Door Properties , which is very nice! But I have old door tags that will show only door normal parameters and shared parameters we have added to Door families.

2005-09-23, 12:49 PM
You would need to create a shared parameter first. Load that into your room tag family(create a label) and into your project(selecet doors for the associated categories), then you should be able to see it on the tag.

2005-09-23, 01:10 PM
You would need to create a shared parameter first. Load that into your room tag family(create a label) and into your project(selecet doors for the associated categories), then you should be able to see it on the tag.

I have already all shared parameter on door that I need - how do I assign these shared parameters as key parameters to Key Schedules?

Found out that I can make lot of things simpler by making prober Key Schedules instead of adding every little bit of information to Door Families - only thing is that I couldn't get my shared parameter work as the key parameter (=Key Name) is there way to do that? Otherwise I would need to be able to tag that parameter I use as Key Name?

PS. I already have tags that use these shared parameters.

PPS. Key Schedule parameters are all project parameters - not tag able -so probably have to make similar shared parameter and fill there the same data as to Key Name just to get it to shown in Tag...