View Full Version : Need sheet set advise

2005-09-26, 05:57 PM
I'm a CAD manager for a 30 user firm seeking advise regarding sheet set creation.

I'm trying to hone in on a process or standard for creating new sheets within the sheet set manager and I'm running into disparities in schools of thought on how it should be done. Here's the break down.

The OLD way before sheet set manager:
Xref the drawing title block with attribute info. into drawings. This would allow control of global attributes through entire sheet set by simply editing the referenced title block. Attribute info changed on a per sheet basis would simply be controlled by editing them directly on the title block.

The NEW way with sheet set manager:
Both template title block and all attributes are BLOCKED in when creating new sheets with SSM. Attributes are controlled by sheet set custom properties and sheet custom properties.

Here's my dilemma:
For the NEW way, some are arguing that although the title block attribute info needs to be BLOCKED into the sheet to allow SSM to control set and sheet properties, the actual titleblock, line work, firm logo, etc. should still be xreffed to minimize redundancy.
The OLD way allowed me to reduce redundancy within the drawing set by xreffing in titleblock info into drawings. It reduced files size by a little bit as well. The new way blocked in title block and attribute info so the SSM could control the attribute info through it's custom properties.

Has anyone dealt with this argument before. The difference in file size with title block as xref vs. block is about 30 KB. If files size and redundancy where not issues I would vote for simplicity and block everything in. To create a sheet using SSM and still have a portion of title block xreffed is not impossible but it does create more upfront work on my end and the user when creating a new project.

Any advise as to how others have addressed this issue would be appreciated and I thank you in advance.


2005-09-26, 06:13 PM

Have you thought about just blocking in the title block attribute info and xref in the Title Block itself? It would reduce some of the redundancy but still allow for the Sheet Set functionality.

2005-09-26, 08:17 PM
I'm a CAD manager for a 30 user firm seeking advise regarding sheet set creation.Hi

Have you seen this post...

Have a good one, Mike