View Full Version : 4 sided hip to a flat for cupola

2005-09-26, 07:52 PM
trying to make a 4 sided roof to a flat top to place a cupola. any ideas to get the flat. i keep getting the traditional hip with center ridge. also, anyone know where i can find a cupola for the model?

Scott D Davis
2005-09-26, 08:13 PM
In the Roof Properties, look for the Cutoff Level and Cutoff Offset Parameters. This will chop off the roof at the specified level, or a set distance above or below the specified level.

2005-09-26, 08:25 PM

thanks, awesome, always wondered what that meant. now to just find a cupola. dont really want to have to figure out how to build on at this point. thanks again.

2005-09-27, 02:54 PM
thanks, awesome, always wondered what that meant. now to just find a cupola. dont really want to have to figure out how to build on at this point. thanks again.
We do cupolas all the time and have found that it's almost easier to create them on the fly because of differences in detainling from project to project. To re-use one, there are a few different avenues. You could look at making a generic family (making it flexible in width, height, etc) and insert this as needed on top of a short walled "curb" ; or you could create a new project, make the cupola within it. Have it open while you're editing your main project, and cut and paste it in. Does this help at all?


2005-09-27, 03:00 PM
do a search on cupola. You'll find several posted here. One I posted is here (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=22997&highlight=cupola)

2005-09-27, 06:08 PM
sorry, damn cad notes. thanks for the cupola, gives me start, something i could modify as needed. also gives me an idea of how to make one. funny i searched but didn find anything the other day. sometimes my spelling (more accurately my typing) can be off. must have spelled it wrong.

2005-09-27, 06:35 PM
:-D Glad to hlep... :-D

2005-09-28, 02:32 PM
here is another cupola hope this helps..