View Full Version : Shared Parameters: combining unit names, areas, etc.

2004-02-19, 12:24 AM
I'm working on a condominium building and am looking into shared paramaters to share information accross views and between schedules.

I'd like to create a Unit Tag that grabs the area calculation from an area plan and combines that with the unit name and possibly some other instance parameters such as unit type, # of bedrooms, etc.

I'd also like to schedule this information so i can get a list of units and their associated areas.

Has anyone done this before? Specifically I'm having problems getting area values from an area plan into my floor plan view. A room tag won't cut it since it only gives the area of a single room and not the entire unit.

I tried setting up a 'unit information' shared parameter group that contains the unit name, unit type, etc. But when I create a multi-category schedule, i can't include area tag information.

Any help, direction, or personal stories on this issue would be helpfull. It's all very confusing!


2004-02-19, 01:24 PM
Ben the way you need to set it up, is add various area schemes.(found under settings.) then add area plans according to the different area schemes in which you can tag specified boundary's using area tags. You are expecting too much from shared parameters.

2004-02-19, 01:51 PM
Shared Parameters is a feature I have looked at from the corner of my eye a few times thinking, "That sure would be sweet if only ... " The "if only" part of that is that I've had zero success in creating my own Shared Parameters. Is there an "Idiot's Guide to Shared Parameters" floating around somewhere?

2004-02-19, 06:57 PM
You are expecting too much from shared parameters.

I agree. After much exploring I found that it did not do exactly what I wanted it to do.

I did have some small sucess in using a Unit Number shared parameter in My Area plans.

Here's what I did to get unit areas on a condominium project
1) set up an area plan designating area names like unit, terrace, vertical penetration, lobby/corridor, etc. Using the area legend feature I was able to shade each of these areas with a common color.
2) Next I added a Unit Number shared parameter so I could have a unique number associated with each area name.
3)Then I created a revised area tag with Area Name, Unit Number and SF.
4)Then I was able to schedule this info to show unit and terrace areas as shown in the attached pdf.

My Wish: The ability to share the areas calculated from the area plans with room tags in other views

2004-02-20, 04:23 AM
Studio3p. this how it goes. I am currently busy doing local content. In our schedules we need things like Manufacturers order codes/Model types etc. In the family file(lets say of a window), goto family types, Add Parameter, Shared Parameter, Select, Edit, Create. Now create the extra parameter that you need and save that file(as a window Parameter). In that shared parameter file you can create as many as you need and load them 1 at a time into the family types. Once loaded in th family types now enter the info needed in those parameters. Now open your project/template file, Goto Settings, Project Parameters, and follow the steps to load the file(window parameter) and parameters(in my instance there are about 5-9 extras), making sure you select the catagory the parameter is associated with. Now evertime you do a schedule those parameters will show up in the new schedule catagories, plus pick up the codes already set in the family file. Hope this Helps