View Full Version : View List and Legends

2005-09-27, 05:30 PM
Is there a way using either a view list or a drawing list to identify the location for legends and schedules? I totally love this tool for QC and organizing a set and checking for consistency. May end up in my top 10 "Why Revit and Why Not ADT 2006?" list. But the missing legends and schedules in the view list are a challenge.

For example, if I have a keynote legend that I want to appear on several sheets, is there a list I can generate to insure I have it everywhere I want? If I have several room finish schedules created for each floor of a large project on separate sheets and I want the material schedule to appear on each sheet, is there a list that will allow me to avoid checking the sheets one-by-one? Is there a list that will identify which sheet has which schedule? In a current project, my sheet A630 currently has a room finish schedule and a material legend. A630 does not show in a view list because it only has a schedule and legend. Sheet A600 displays in the view list because I have both the door schedule and the frame details - only the frame details show in the list.

Here's hoping I am missing the obvious and some kind soul will direct me to a link or post where this has been resolved. Thank you.


2005-09-27, 05:46 PM
I've always assumed that schedules, legends and noteblocks don't show up in such a list because they can appear on more than one sheet whereas all other views of the project can not? It would be nice to be able to create a report like you suggest.

2005-09-27, 07:44 PM
I think that browser should show schedules as separate nodes under sheets that host these schedules. It should be very easy to fix and would probably address the need, won't it?

2005-09-27, 08:01 PM
Browser works but that's not exactly what I was looking to do. I really like seeing everything at once in a schedule form - each view, each sheet, what is on each sheet, etc. and rename things and correct syntax and spelling in a single location. I can do it in the browser but it still means expanding and contracting the lists and scrolling. And I cannot compare similar sheets quickly and easily and must still check each sheet.

I made it easier to expand and scroll by reorganizing the browser so we could (for example) see categories of plans by detail or large view or whatever instead if every plan. Clip attached.

But it's still not a real schedule. Wish list?


2005-09-27, 08:20 PM
I don't think you understood my proposal. Open sheet branch of the browser and expand any sheet that contains a schedule. Sheets that contain schedules would list graphical views and legends as their sub-nodes but would not list schedules (at least in my 8.1). I propose to fix that.

2005-09-27, 08:51 PM
I believe I understood exactly. See attached clip. How does using the Project Browser accomplish the goal? Can you explain what I did not understand?

This sheet has the Material Legend and the Room Finish Schedule. The expanded view in the browser does show the legend as you noted but does not indicate that the room finish schedule is on this sheet. If I had multiple sheets with the same legend (keynotes or anything), I would have to expand each sheet and hunt manually to be sure the set included all the legends and schedules. There is no view list or schedule or drawing list that I can generate to indicate every sheet where I have placed the legend. There is no property in Legend or Schedules that I can return anywhere telling me to what sheet they are assigned. There is no view list I can generate that tells me what sheet has which schedule without checking manually even if the schedule is listed in the browser. We have specific standards for which sheet has which schedule and in a large project, there are many. Basic door and room finish schedules, parking schedules to indicate compliance with municipal regulations, unit type schedules for condo projects, workstation occupant schedules for move plans, occupancy calculations for egress width and exit distance only touch the surface.

Looks like this is a wish list issue.


2005-09-27, 09:22 PM
You can expand entire browser sheet subtree with a single keyboard shortcut (NUM LOCK + ASTERISK (*) on numeric keypad ) and see all views placed on sheets. Sheet branch of the browser may be considered to be a form of a report that lists all views and legends placed on sheets and in my proposal would include schedules as well.

Please explain what is the principal difference between browser listing schedules among views on sheets in tree format and drawing list doing the same job in a table format (as you requested). In both cases user would need to look at the report and check if additional schedules need to be added to some sheets. Do you simply dislike the tree form of presentation or is there another part of the request that is implied but not stated explicitly?

By the way it is very nice of you to include pictures along with textual explanations. Pictures reduce (but do not eliminate) possible misunderstandings.

2005-09-27, 11:03 PM
Another clip...

From the view list I created (sorted by sheet number) and the drawing list, I can see at a glance everything on each sheet except legends and schedules. I like this so much because a non-techie PM can use this single list to review the set, make sure the stuff is located on the correct sheet and numbered correctly without interfering with the team who is busily cranking against a deadline. It can be edited in the list and feels more like Excel (which is decidedly more familiar to our PMs that Revit will be). Everything is consolidated in one location and it's possible to see more information in one context for comparison and overview.

In the view list and drawing list, I can make the necessary changes, find things that are missing and know what's on every sheet. I can see the scale and immediately see anything that does not make sense. I can correct foolish mistakes in one place (note the spelling errors), correct format inconsistencies (Upper Case and Sentence Case issues), and find syntax problems (variable use on the same sheet of first/1st or and/& ). I can see a list of everything on Sheet A600 except the schedule and legend. I must look elsewhere for that. The drawing list includes all the sheets (missing A630) but there is no way to know what is on the sheet without returning to the browser. I can see everything on A304, identify that one sheet title is missing PLAN and correct in this location. Incorporating legends and schedules into a view list would make it much easier to see at a glance whether all the ceiling sheets include the ceiling notes or whether every room finish schedule sheet included the material schedule and whether the door schedule actually made it to a sheet or whether the egress width calculations were included anywhere. And I really want our PMs to actively participate in our Revit projects without relying on hard copies for everything.

Using the browser is great at design and production for navigating between views to edit and work. For a comparative overview, it has limits. Does this help explain what I wanted to accomplish?


2005-09-27, 11:22 PM
Raiz, to include schedules and legends in the browser would be a great step. However I can also see phyllisr's point that being able to drill into the Drawing List (schedule) would benefit the PM who's primary interest (at the end of document assembly) is to insure that the documents are complete and correct. Both suggestions would improve document checking and assembly.

Lets have them both - I am sure there would be no complaints.:grin:

Phil Palmer
2005-09-28, 09:55 AM
We use the filter options on our Project Browser and have added a parameter to each view so we can catagorise the views and sheets into acceptable sections.Eg - Ga Floor plans - Detailed 1:20 Wall seftions etc etc

The issue we have is that there is no way at all to filter the schedules and this should be added to the wishes.

2005-09-28, 01:16 PM
Where did you set the categories for floor plan ?
I like the way your project browser looks.

2005-09-28, 04:34 PM
Excellent suggestion. I did the same thing with a View Type parameter we created and a customizing the Browser organization (sorted first by Family and Type then our custom View Type) so within Floor Plans, I could sort by Large View, Plan Detail, etc. Wanted to do it with the legends and schedules also, particularly legends (like Diagrams, Notes, etc.)

Perhaps I should organize everthing in this whole thread and post one big Project Browser and View List entry as a Wish List.
