View Full Version : Reveals / Splitfaces / Stacked walls / Painting colors / PROBLEMS!!!!!!!

2005-09-27, 07:08 PM
Ok, this is a pretty big issue in my opinion, so maybe there is a technique that I am not aware of, but I tried a bunch of different things here. You will have to open the file and read the explination in the elevation view to understand this issue.

But heres a layout.

1. A building with reveals at 4'-6", 9' and 13'. (may vary)
2. In between reveals pain colors change, could but maintaining material thickness here is key.
3. Now on alternating faces checker the 2 materials.

Note: I havent even begun to add doors or windows or modify a profile. this is at a very basic stage with some basic roof condiditons.

Thanks for your help, this is a pretty complicated issue I think. Have fun. :banghead:

2005-09-27, 11:05 PM
I can't check the file as I don't have 8.1 on this computer.

I have however had problems dealing with stacked walls, reveals, and finishes. To be blunt, they are a pain to deal with. Especially if a reveal spans between a stacked wall change.

Also, I have windows that cut through part of a reveal. The reveal should continue over or below the window but Revit doesn't see it this way. It stops the reveal on each side of the window. Not the result I'm looking for.

Any ideas?

Wes Macaulay
2005-09-27, 11:32 PM
If the reveal touches the opening edge, it stops. Even moving the reveal 1/16" away from the opening will do the trick.

2005-09-28, 03:02 PM
That really isnt the issue that I'm trying to deal with. This has more to do with having a material/color change on a wall. If you have a stucco wall and the colors change at a reveal lines, or even a material change. . . .wont work. In the attached file I have shown several examples and if nothing else is a good tutorial on how things can be tried, or which work arounds kinda or kinda don't work.

I would love to find an answer as how to fix this, but I have found that if your post isnt picked up in the first 24 hours, then its most likely a lost cause that cant be fixed.

Good luck, I'll keep working on this if you will.

2005-09-28, 03:46 PM
Send it to support.

2005-09-28, 04:03 PM
used split wall command. Will have to detach all walls from roof, set up pattern, then attach top sections to roof after pattern set. Did not attempt to place reveals in wall.

2005-09-28, 04:32 PM
yeah, that works just fine, but the key is using the reveal still. . . .4 out of 6 sides on the rubix cube look good though. . .lol :lol:

I'm goin to send it to support to see what they say.
