View Full Version : Invisible Area Separation - Foundation Graphics

2005-09-28, 05:48 AM
I used to be able to make the area separation line invisible, is that not so anymore? Also, is there a way to set a default view visibility to have foundation plans properly show hidden lines and such? Thank you!

2005-09-28, 03:13 PM
I used to be able to make the area separation line invisible
Still are listed if you go to View/Vsibility/Lines under the model categories tab.

Also, is there a way to set a default view visibility to have foundation plans properly show hidden lines and such?
You can save save view settings such as visibliity, view range, etc to a view template (View/Save as View Template).

2005-09-29, 04:15 AM
Thank you Andrew! I will check on that right now!