View Full Version : Revit and true-style fonts

Matt Mercer
2005-09-30, 03:32 PM
I recently found out that Revit uses True style fonts, and there is not any conversion program to convert our AutoCAD fonts. Are there anyone who wouldn't mind sharing there Architectural true style fonts?

Thanks Matt

2005-09-30, 03:40 PM
Wes posted some nice architectural fonts HERE (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?p=180227#post180227) .

Scott D Davis
2005-09-30, 03:40 PM
There is a Revit tool to substitute TTF for AutoCAD SHX files. Look in the C:\Program Files\Autodesk Revit Building 8\Data folder for a TXT file called shxfontmap.txt

By editing that file, you can tell Revit what fonts to use in place of AutoCAD fonts.

2005-09-30, 03:53 PM
I recently found out that Revit uses True style fonts, and there is not any conversion program to convert our AutoCAD fonts. Are there anyone who wouldn't mind sharing there Architectural true style fonts?

There actually is a conversion program, but it's kinda expensive and not automatic. There's a couple of Font Generation software packages out there, such as Fontographer, that would allow you to import your AutoCAD font and produce a TrueType font. But it would be time consuming and expensive, so unless you just *have* to have that font I'd really recommend that you just find a royalty-free font you like.

And, to be honest, I just use out-of-the-box Aerial for everything. Re-doing all your Annotation Families and Settings is a real PITA, and doesn't gain you much. I'd only do it for Presentations at most, for otherwise who cares about the fonts on the CD's, as long as it's clear and easy to read, and heck, if you're coming from AutoCAD your CD's are going to probably look better now anyways because of Revit, so...

Matt Mercer
2005-09-30, 03:56 PM
Thanks for all the input. and for the fonts. Matt

2007-01-04, 07:42 PM
There is a Revit tool to substitute TTF for AutoCAD SHX files. Look in the C:\Program Files\Autodesk Revit Building 8\Data folder for a TXT file called shxfontmap.txt

By editing that file, you can tell Revit what fonts to use in place of AutoCAD fonts.