View Full Version : turn off material's pattern

2005-10-01, 08:16 AM
Hi all. Maybe I miss something but I cannot find any way to turn off the visibility of the material's pattern at my wish.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance...

2005-10-01, 12:14 PM
Depends on the family, for example under loor y ou will see a surface pattern that could turn off.
Anything specific ?

2005-10-01, 02:23 PM
Because structural column has no pattern&color at coarse detail, I tried at least to turn off the "concrete" pattern in some view with coarse detail.
In my personal opinion at scale lower than, let's say, 1:100, there's no sense to display surface pattern as concrete or material specific...

Thanks for your replay.

2005-10-01, 08:10 PM
Because structural column has no pattern&color at coarse detail, I tried at least to turn off the "concrete" pattern in some view with coarse detail.
In my personal opinion at scale lower than, let's say, 1:100, there's no sense to display surface pattern as concrete or material specific...
Still not really sure what you're trying to accomplish, but here's a few of the more obvious things to try:

Go to Settings > Materials, and select the material that you don't want to have a pattern. Change the surface pattern to "no pattern". This will remove the surface pattern in all views that use that material.


Go to Visibility and select the category (e.g. walls) and expand the category and uncheck the surface pattern check box. This will remove the surface pattern in that view for that category.


Create a new material that doesn't have a surface pattern. Use the Paint tool to paint objects with the "blank" material which will cover the surface pattern. This will "remove" the surface pattern on specific objects.

If that's not what you're looking for, maybe you could post an image of what it is you're trying to accomplish. A picture is worth a thousand words... (or at least a hundred).